Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trekker ..Trekker when u ever learn..

Trekker ar Trekker when u ever learn... no this is not someone .. this is me.. i am trekker .. aka robin... yes i'm bitten yet again by MMORPG ...this cycle have been going on since the era of T4C .. circa 1999 and now at 2009 which is exactly 10 year ago since i started mmorpg and now 10 year older.. i'm still fallen deeply for it..

If you are a regular reader you will realise this maybe the 2nd or 3rd or maybe even 4th post about this issue....despite how hard i try all it need is a few month of non mmorpging i will automaticly get drawn back to it no matter how hard i try to resisit i still get hook back ...even Dota cannot save me...

The Cons of playing mmorpg
- lack of sleep
- tireness
- easy irriated
- stress

Dun worry dearie despite i got hook by mmorpg i wont apply irriatness on u nor we go out lesser..life will go on as usual .. it will affect mostly my weekday life.. weekend still ok

Other then life .. life is pretty normal...waiting for vacation... normal lifestyle.. hopefully my lifestyle can stablise and change slightly for the better so can treat her better too hahah... hopefully ASAP then we can start planning for future :)

Other then that.. the most i wanted to know is sleep........

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Feeling of saddness...again

Every few month or so i will have this feeling of saddness overcoming me..and no nothing happen to my family , r/s or friends.. its that sudden kind of feeling of saddness that totally overwhelm me for a brief period of time..and continue for a few day before its gone..

During this period of time if i'm not in any r/s i will steer clear of any one and lock myself in my room and play my games totally ignoring any external source of contact.. or if i'm in a r/s i would hope my gf will acc me watch vcd and try not to expose me to any human being.. sound wierd hor ...ya thats me .. as i say before i'm not just anyone who is easily comprehend...beneath this happy go lucky attitude of mine lies another layer of emotion that even i cannot comprehend .. its this kind of emotion that emerge every few month and make me think and reset my goals in life or even my lifestyle... i take this as a warning if i am doing something wrong/right..

And no this is not PMS which occur once a month thingie ( i'm not a girl anyway ) its more like 2- 3 month once kind of feeling... a very sucky feeling and something demoralising... a somehow deep contrast to my usual happy go lucky attitude >_< ...

I hope this feeling goes off soon..this gonna affect my next few days of mood... grr

Monday, June 15, 2009

Short Post

Well bascially nothing much to post recently as there's really nothing much to update hehe maybe i'm lazy + sick + tired this week ba..so the posting have somehow gone down abit.. but i am really looking forward to a vacation ....though i might go Bangkok on Aug ..but still nothing have confirm yet as my dearie is the one planning wif her 2 female friends..and i'm not sure i am going too cause if i go i'm the only guy ... which .....maybe not that good if they go shoppin and i might be strange to have 1 guy following 3 female around hehe but if dearie acc me i dun mind but i know she might need to acc her 2 female frens tooooo so .. now confusing ...

aside from that.. today quite unlucky at work as lotus note , lan server and internet came crashing down twice!! omfg.. but luckily it went back after 30/45min respectively....

well tats all for now...tired.. sick..shag.. tonight gonna take medicine again.. hehe

Monday, June 8, 2009

A "Shag" Saturday

Woah its been a while since i've had such a shag saturday ....this is how it happen.....

Woke up a 9am ...had my breakfast and bath etc ..then went to take jurong mrt meet up with dearie and went to woodland mrt too meet up wif jerry which he drove both of us to cornerstone church to attend a fren ROM ( i never drive down is due to 3 reason ...1st car is down , 2nd is 20 dollar stickers :( and 3rd i dunno my way there ) so once we reach there we waited 1 hr before it start and they start by asking us to stand... and listen to them sing 3 songs.. which the their chrous is abt 30% of their song and keep repeating....but i guess its their ritual...after which follow by a 30min talk by the head pastor on the part where god give man 7 virture..then proceed with the blessing by afew pastor and prayors then finally the signing on the ROM..then lunch reception which we eat only a few stuff then we left for our real lunch at Lagoon @ Ecp

Meet up with nicholas and four of us have lunch there on a very hot saturday afternoon...after which we rented 2 normal bicycle and a double bicycle for me and my dearie..the bicycle got some problem therefore its extremely hard to pedal and maintain the balancing but we manage to cycle for 1hr 25min on a super hot day before we went to play pool for awhile to escape the heat and also relax abit

For our next location we head to marina barrage ...and walk around taking pictures...and fooling around for like 35min since my dearie wish to go there again heehe..so we goof around there then we rush our way to cinelesiure afterward..

We reach cine around 8 and went to Heeren for our dinner at a jap cusine resturant wif my dearie another 2 more female frens which will be joining us for movie at 9pm...We had a very fast dinner and proceed to cinelesiure to watch our movie Blood the vampire... overall the movie is soso nia.. nothing much to praise or complain..

After the movie jerry drove us to woodland and we walked the paslar malam for like 10-15min then we take mrt home to jurong east..then i give dearie 10 buck to take cab home as she wanna go home le .. :(

So we end the day with all those stuff... shag man....sunday ... whole day slack so no need post ^_^"

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Car is fixed... dad "charged" me $100 SGD -_- nvm give him ba since he fix for me while i go work.... apparently he get someone to our block to change the battery and those service charge etc
Later need to go Ken ROM... so must sleep early.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Its tuesday june 02 2009

Wow june liao..... 6 more month time 2009 is over ... half the year of 2009 is gone in a flash heeheh but im still feeling the happiness in my life so i can't really complain though in 6 month time i will have hit the 3x omfg......but dun worry i'm still cute despite all this :)

Car problem

i am having car problem now with the battery... upon cold start of the car.. the car got a 1/4 chance it wont start.. i have to crank at least afew time before it will even start ( dad say battery wire loose will help me check later ) and since im working i wont be there to see how it is going....


Will be going ECP this sat..but no car.... feel like asking jerry to lombang us go down..i dun mind meeting jerry at woodland mrt wif my gf and he drive us down ..heheh save $$ and lazy to drive


Still waiting for Dearie to confirm the time/date she is can take leave etc..so can plan..but most prob is either Genting or redang


I need a new ext hdd ... at least 1 TB as my 500 gig ext hdd is almost full !! arrrgh $$ gone again
Room need a revamp..to change feng shui hahah feel like moving bed and cupboard etc again!
Need to go more places on weekend ( Bring gf out to places like discovery centre or maybe zoo )
Be even more cute! (^_^)-\/
Get more sleeptime ...been sleeping real late and not getting enough sleep is getting me sleepy (Z_Z)
Last but not least make sure my life and such is all stable in 2 year time ..this is the time frame i give myself to sort out all the loose end and tied them up before i will stablise myself for the most impt thing in my life.....( my gf shld know ba )

P.s Recently no photos to update....except may 1st bintan trip.... well this sat ECP trip i will try to post some pic up~~