Monday, June 8, 2009

A "Shag" Saturday

Woah its been a while since i've had such a shag saturday ....this is how it happen.....

Woke up a 9am ...had my breakfast and bath etc ..then went to take jurong mrt meet up with dearie and went to woodland mrt too meet up wif jerry which he drove both of us to cornerstone church to attend a fren ROM ( i never drive down is due to 3 reason ...1st car is down , 2nd is 20 dollar stickers :( and 3rd i dunno my way there ) so once we reach there we waited 1 hr before it start and they start by asking us to stand... and listen to them sing 3 songs.. which the their chrous is abt 30% of their song and keep repeating....but i guess its their ritual...after which follow by a 30min talk by the head pastor on the part where god give man 7 virture..then proceed with the blessing by afew pastor and prayors then finally the signing on the ROM..then lunch reception which we eat only a few stuff then we left for our real lunch at Lagoon @ Ecp

Meet up with nicholas and four of us have lunch there on a very hot saturday afternoon...after which we rented 2 normal bicycle and a double bicycle for me and my dearie..the bicycle got some problem therefore its extremely hard to pedal and maintain the balancing but we manage to cycle for 1hr 25min on a super hot day before we went to play pool for awhile to escape the heat and also relax abit

For our next location we head to marina barrage ...and walk around taking pictures...and fooling around for like 35min since my dearie wish to go there again we goof around there then we rush our way to cinelesiure afterward..

We reach cine around 8 and went to Heeren for our dinner at a jap cusine resturant wif my dearie another 2 more female frens which will be joining us for movie at 9pm...We had a very fast dinner and proceed to cinelesiure to watch our movie Blood the vampire... overall the movie is soso nia.. nothing much to praise or complain..

After the movie jerry drove us to woodland and we walked the paslar malam for like 10-15min then we take mrt home to jurong east..then i give dearie 10 buck to take cab home as she wanna go home le .. :(

So we end the day with all those stuff... shag man....sunday ... whole day slack so no need post ^_^"

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