Monday, June 15, 2009

Short Post

Well bascially nothing much to post recently as there's really nothing much to update hehe maybe i'm lazy + sick + tired this week the posting have somehow gone down abit.. but i am really looking forward to a vacation ....though i might go Bangkok on Aug ..but still nothing have confirm yet as my dearie is the one planning wif her 2 female friends..and i'm not sure i am going too cause if i go i'm the only guy ... which .....maybe not that good if they go shoppin and i might be strange to have 1 guy following 3 female around hehe but if dearie acc me i dun mind but i know she might need to acc her 2 female frens tooooo so .. now confusing ...

aside from that.. today quite unlucky at work as lotus note , lan server and internet came crashing down twice!! omfg.. but luckily it went back after 30/45min respectively....

well tats all for now...tired.. sick..shag.. tonight gonna take medicine again.. hehe

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