Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Its tuesday june 02 2009

Wow june liao..... 6 more month time 2009 is over ... half the year of 2009 is gone in a flash heeheh but im still feeling the happiness in my life so i can't really complain though in 6 month time i will have hit the 3x omfg......but dun worry i'm still cute despite all this :)

Car problem

i am having car problem now with the battery... upon cold start of the car.. the car got a 1/4 chance it wont start.. i have to crank at least afew time before it will even start ( dad say battery wire loose will help me check later ) and since im working i wont be there to see how it is going....


Will be going ECP this sat..but no car.... feel like asking jerry to lombang us go down..i dun mind meeting jerry at woodland mrt wif my gf and he drive us down ..heheh save $$ and lazy to drive


Still waiting for Dearie to confirm the time/date she is can take leave etc..so can plan..but most prob is either Genting or redang


I need a new ext hdd ... at least 1 TB as my 500 gig ext hdd is almost full !! arrrgh $$ gone again
Room need a revamp..to change feng shui hahah feel like moving bed and cupboard etc again!
Need to go more places on weekend ( Bring gf out to places like discovery centre or maybe zoo )
Be even more cute! (^_^)-\/
Get more sleeptime ...been sleeping real late and not getting enough sleep is getting me sleepy (Z_Z)
Last but not least make sure my life and such is all stable in 2 year time ..this is the time frame i give myself to sort out all the loose end and tied them up before i will stablise myself for the most impt thing in my life.....( my gf shld know ba )

P.s Recently no photos to update....except may 1st bintan trip.... well this sat ECP trip i will try to post some pic up~~

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