Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Feeling of saddness...again

Every few month or so i will have this feeling of saddness overcoming me..and no nothing happen to my family , r/s or friends.. its that sudden kind of feeling of saddness that totally overwhelm me for a brief period of time..and continue for a few day before its gone..

During this period of time if i'm not in any r/s i will steer clear of any one and lock myself in my room and play my games totally ignoring any external source of contact.. or if i'm in a r/s i would hope my gf will acc me watch vcd and try not to expose me to any human being.. sound wierd hor ...ya thats me .. as i say before i'm not just anyone who is easily comprehend...beneath this happy go lucky attitude of mine lies another layer of emotion that even i cannot comprehend .. its this kind of emotion that emerge every few month and make me think and reset my goals in life or even my lifestyle... i take this as a warning if i am doing something wrong/right..

And no this is not PMS which occur once a month thingie ( i'm not a girl anyway ) its more like 2- 3 month once kind of feeling... a very sucky feeling and something demoralising... a somehow deep contrast to my usual happy go lucky attitude >_< ...

I hope this feeling goes off soon..this gonna affect my next few days of mood... grr

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