Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trekker ..Trekker when u ever learn..

Trekker ar Trekker when u ever learn... no this is not someone .. this is me.. i am trekker .. aka robin... yes i'm bitten yet again by MMORPG ...this cycle have been going on since the era of T4C .. circa 1999 and now at 2009 which is exactly 10 year ago since i started mmorpg and now 10 year older.. i'm still fallen deeply for it..

If you are a regular reader you will realise this maybe the 2nd or 3rd or maybe even 4th post about this issue....despite how hard i try all it need is a few month of non mmorpging i will automaticly get drawn back to it no matter how hard i try to resisit i still get hook back ...even Dota cannot save me...

The Cons of playing mmorpg
- lack of sleep
- tireness
- easy irriated
- stress

Dun worry dearie despite i got hook by mmorpg i wont apply irriatness on u nor we go out lesser..life will go on as usual .. it will affect mostly my weekday life.. weekend still ok

Other then life .. life is pretty normal...waiting for vacation... normal lifestyle.. hopefully my lifestyle can stablise and change slightly for the better so can treat her better too hahah... hopefully ASAP then we can start planning for future :)

Other then that.. the most i wanted to know is sleep........

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