Monday, September 29, 2008


woah.. F1 is finally over and F.Alonso was declared the winner in the first singapore F1 night race....i watch the entire race in the comfort of my house minus the room's aircon has been down for the last 4-5 days it HOT..i repeat HOT in my room......sigh...wish my aircon wasnt spoiled..

Recently i have a thing for colors...maybe i played too much mmorpg till i'm abit fazed by them... whenever i see white color i will tend to ignore it as inferior.....Green i will think its a good item, Yeloow will be a very good item while this color will make it say wow RARE haha..guess its mmorpg addiction hehehe

This coming wednesday hari raya puasa ...i'm going sentosa with my gf ~! its been awhile since i lasted went there...hopefully it doesnt rain on the day or else..its gonna spoil tat day's plan!!!!

Oh my room have been rearranged too ... tv have been shifted nearer to the bed while i prepare to buy a LCD tv to replace my room flat CRT..its time i upgrade to the LCD TV word just like my monitor

Well thats all the recent update i have...hopefully every other things are fine too hehe ciaoz~

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What am i feeling??

Hmm i dunno what should i be feeling now....i feel tired..shag...and even to a stage as to cancel my TP for tomorrow... why am i so tired?....i do feel slightly excited for tomorrow but not as much as the first time i'm going for the TP....after 10 min of self-solitiude thinking prior typing out this line... i find something strange..i'm experiencing "Anger".... angry that how i would feel if i fail or how CB the TP tester will be.... ( negative thinking pre TP ) ... i dunno why i am feeling this now... guess its from previous encounter with BBDC TP tester ba.... haiz... anyway... i just hope weekend come soon....i dun wanna have all my evening taken away by RT,TP and other associated stuff... i need my personal space/time for myself ...thats all.. i like simple life .. i lead happier life if life is simple but its not always the case... sometime i have to put on a mask or resort to underhand to get ahead in life.... why must i do it normal in the current trend of lifestyle.. i guess so ba..


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another update of my life

Well...3 more days till My Tp (2nd attempt) ... not looking forward to it ...personally i only look forward to it due to 1/2 day off for me ...pass or no pass no more really affect me though ...if this time if all the girls pass and all the guys fail again... i might take my TP at other centre liao cause that will only proof my point in my earlier post last month....

Family are well.... pet wise .. left one hampster alive..though getting thinner liao...old liao ba.... guess she wont survice another yr....not much changes at home though pc is slightly upgraded with new power supply ( Previous one kaboom on me 2 week ago)...Dad was sick few week ago and recovering... mom leg is getting better tooo

Just passed 1 month 1 week... all is well..we go out on weekend and she stay over once per week XD hehehe hopefully her job wont take up more of her weekday time as she always work till 10pm..though her job start at 10+am..hopefully can go genting again!

Game Life
Haiz..failure at this ... i cant get over the jinx of me keep wanting to create new char and not one reach high lvl..guess i am those who want everything in a char...but game or real life nothing is perfect... in perfect world .. hahhaah... see how it goes ba...

Bowling almost every friday with jerry ..and semi-regular mahjong session recently ..cut down abit due cause go out wif GF ma =x so ... no choice.. but i do make it a point to chat with everyone who msn me ...and sms me cause hey...i'm still cuteeeeee if u msn me and sms me =p

Work... hmm how do i put it... more responbility coming due to change in company policy ba.. they started new stuff and not many ppl is keeping up wif it ... so its me who's gonna help them far still endurable....despite being one of the "complainer" in the work department i still find it okok .... maybe this job gonna be the longest job i ever last in ( previous longest job "e-games" last me 1 yr 3 month )

Its almost end of the year liao.... 2 more yr i am gonna be 3x ... i mean 30 haha... so i guess i have to more or less stable my life before i hit the 30 mark ..Car... life... wife...... then 30++ house... then should be more or less set this kind of life....though i know i take longer time to reach this stage ..but i still strongly believe in enjoying while going with the flow of life..and not rushing to be perfect in the begining only to realise ..much of the early adult years to be spend away without really enjoying it or actually realise time pass so fast..... to each his own thinking... i chosen this path..i will stick with this path unlike.. games i can retain.. real life..i cant... i will carry on...till the end of time

Peace out ^_^ \/

Friday, September 12, 2008

Its Friday~~~

Yup its friday... finally.... a 2 day rest for me...and i really need it like there's no tomorrow....recently quite busy...but still surving la.......but still could be improved....recently attended shingo and asphy wedding their videoman..taking clips from 730am till10am..before i was drunk that is.... grrr so many ppl drink they ask me drink including one super hardcore drink wif no added ice or water... drink finish tat cup immediately spinning liao.... >_<... .oh did i mention felicia chin and Rachael lee was in the guest list manage to see 2 of them for quite a bit......

Next week is my TP again le...2nd time.. not really looking forward to one word..i dun wanan think anything le.. just let me lie on my bed and rest for the next few week.... work getting stresser liao..hope i also can endure that ordeal too :)

Bye bye

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sept 2 My Birthday~~

Today is Sept 2...and birthday ^_^" ... although nothing is new... cause i dun celebrate birthday to me its just another day however... i did recieved quite a few happy moment....

1)My collegues are treating me canadian pizza for lunch~~ she ordered for me le hehe
2)My mom give me a "Ang Pao" 20 buck lol
3)Quite a few happy wishes here and there from friends and collegues
4)Happy with the gift Gf bought for me

Hahaha all in all very happy since i never wanna celebrate in the first place yet ppl are doing that for me :P..... but one bad thing was.. i am so tired.... !!!! i need nap at the very least..but i can... been playing game after work... no time to nap liao..haiz... gonna need one whole day of sleep to replenish...and my RT start this sunday liao sob sob >_<

Gonna post up to here ba..since ..nothing much now as i post yesterday le ....

Monday, September 1, 2008

4bias & such

Today is the first day of sept.. and the day before my bday... hehe not gonna celebrate this yr since it falls on weekday this yr... hehe but i already gotten my gift from my dear le...

Seems i cant get my pic up i will post it later.....when i go home before my mmorpging...
Oh ya went to see thailand horror show yesterday 4bias.... usually thailand horror show are really horror compare to hk or english counter-part..however this time... its different.... most of the time ..the entire cinema is laughing their head off.... maybe 1-2 guy started the trend... and make the cinema laugh.... though some of the part is thrilling and some funny..its indeed quite a nice show... 4 small mini movie form 1 movie ..though 4 movie are interlink with each other... its worth watching dun forgot to watch it ...and oh yeah u need to be above 16.. as its rated nc-16 heheh

Bday is tml le... nothing to look forward too... not sad too hehe but not happy i'm 28 liao ... i wanna be young forever and stay cute sob sob :(