Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another update of my life

Well...3 more days till My Tp (2nd attempt) ... not looking forward to it ...personally i only look forward to it due to 1/2 day off for me ...pass or no pass no more really affect me though ...if this time if all the girls pass and all the guys fail again... i might take my TP at other centre liao cause that will only proof my point in my earlier post last month....

Family are well.... pet wise .. left one hampster alive..though getting thinner liao...old liao ba.... guess she wont survice another yr....not much changes at home though pc is slightly upgraded with new power supply ( Previous one kaboom on me 2 week ago)...Dad was sick few week ago and recovering... mom leg is getting better tooo

Just passed 1 month 1 week... all is well..we go out on weekend and she stay over once per week XD hehehe hopefully her job wont take up more of her weekday time as she always work till 10pm..though her job start at 10+am..hopefully can go genting again!

Game Life
Haiz..failure at this ... i cant get over the jinx of me keep wanting to create new char and not one reach high lvl..guess i am those who want everything in a char...but game or real life nothing is perfect... in perfect world .. hahhaah... see how it goes ba...

Bowling almost every friday with jerry ..and semi-regular mahjong session recently ..cut down abit due cause go out wif GF ma =x so ... no choice.. but i do make it a point to chat with everyone who msn me ...and sms me cause hey...i'm still cuteeeeee if u msn me and sms me =p

Work... hmm how do i put it... more responbility coming due to change in company policy ba.. they started new stuff and not many ppl is keeping up wif it ... so its me who's gonna help them up...so far still endurable....despite being one of the "complainer" in the work department i still find it okok .... maybe this job gonna be the longest job i ever last in ( previous longest job "e-games" last me 1 yr 3 month )

Its almost end of the year liao.... 2 more yr i am gonna be 3x ... i mean 30 haha... so i guess i have to more or less stable my life before i hit the 30 mark ..Car... life... wife...... then 30++ house... then should be more or less set this kind of life....though i know i take longer time to reach this stage ..but i still strongly believe in enjoying while going with the flow of life..and not rushing to be perfect in the begining only to realise ..much of the early adult years to be spend away without really enjoying it or actually realise time pass so fast..... to each his own thinking... i chosen this path..i will stick with this path unlike.. games i can retain.. real life..i cant... i will carry on...till the end of time

Peace out ^_^ \/

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