Monday, September 29, 2008


woah.. F1 is finally over and F.Alonso was declared the winner in the first singapore F1 night race....i watch the entire race in the comfort of my house minus the room's aircon has been down for the last 4-5 days it HOT..i repeat HOT in my room......sigh...wish my aircon wasnt spoiled..

Recently i have a thing for colors...maybe i played too much mmorpg till i'm abit fazed by them... whenever i see white color i will tend to ignore it as inferior.....Green i will think its a good item, Yeloow will be a very good item while this color will make it say wow RARE haha..guess its mmorpg addiction hehehe

This coming wednesday hari raya puasa ...i'm going sentosa with my gf ~! its been awhile since i lasted went there...hopefully it doesnt rain on the day or else..its gonna spoil tat day's plan!!!!

Oh my room have been rearranged too ... tv have been shifted nearer to the bed while i prepare to buy a LCD tv to replace my room flat CRT..its time i upgrade to the LCD TV word just like my monitor

Well thats all the recent update i have...hopefully every other things are fine too hehe ciaoz~

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