Thursday, September 18, 2008

What am i feeling??

Hmm i dunno what should i be feeling now....i feel tired..shag...and even to a stage as to cancel my TP for tomorrow... why am i so tired?....i do feel slightly excited for tomorrow but not as much as the first time i'm going for the TP....after 10 min of self-solitiude thinking prior typing out this line... i find something strange..i'm experiencing "Anger".... angry that how i would feel if i fail or how CB the TP tester will be.... ( negative thinking pre TP ) ... i dunno why i am feeling this now... guess its from previous encounter with BBDC TP tester ba.... haiz... anyway... i just hope weekend come soon....i dun wanna have all my evening taken away by RT,TP and other associated stuff... i need my personal space/time for myself ...thats all.. i like simple life .. i lead happier life if life is simple but its not always the case... sometime i have to put on a mask or resort to underhand to get ahead in life.... why must i do it normal in the current trend of lifestyle.. i guess so ba..


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