Monday, June 30, 2008

Genting~~ Anyone

yo peeps if any of my friends happen to chance upon here...anyone wanna go genting preferly this july ??? or Aug maybe?...... its time to get into the cold cold air and freeze urself...some of my auntie collegue just went to genting and back and told me the temp is really really cold now...woohooo.... i love it~~~

Heheh i know this one is a very very old .gif ...but kinda in the mood to put it anyway

So remember... Genting trip find me~~!~!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Channel #Timeless

Well Well Well...suddenly i feel like posting this post....for my channel #Timeless....If you knew me well, u will know i am a channel owner in galaxynet #timeless....but not many ppl know this channel wasnt orginated in galaxynet nor called timeless in the beginning....
it all began in dec 1996......

I was a young cute boiboi who just finished his O lvl.....and my mom bought me my first pc Pentium pro 150 ... 3.2k ... holy shit expensive back then....i was using window 95....and initally i chat using comic chat..which comes with window 95....and some ppl in the chat introduce me a program call MIRC... the first version i use was 4.7 i think....i was happily chatting every night for 1hr ..since internet is expensive back then... and my internt bill come to 60++ per month and once even hit 350 dollar when i play diablo online ...grrr .ok back to topic... the server i went to chat was Austnet... although its called Austnet.. there are alot of Singaporean chatting there as well..and i met alot of good ppl there whom are still my best friends till now... After chatting for like 2 month ++ i started thinking of opening up a channel... i created alot of channels like #cosy-place , #Futurezone , #Once_in_a_lifetime , #timeless( yes i created it and delete it away ) , #Teen_place but i never get one channel up for long except #timeless which lasted 1 yr... other channel lasted from 2 weeks to 2 month... i knew my "1st " official GF from there as well..... i have bros and sis in Austnet....but as times pass...most of the chatters drifted to Galaxynet.... as i was quite resline to such changes i refuse to budge ....but in the year 2000 the old mule i was ....jump to Galaxynet.... though i frequent back Austnet...but the people in Austnet is deminishing....the only guy i can see 24hr in my channel was a guy call jon whom i never even met but park in my channel for 1yr ++... even in the year 2001 when i one day go back my old channel i could see him..... but i cant say much for year 2002 onward =x....

Galaxynet #timeless was created on 2008 Aug.... i'm please to say its gonna be 8 year old soon..but the actual #timeless is actually 10 year old already!!! ... i'm a veteran chatter ok =x ...i know alot of ppl say irc have lots of bad ppl..i dun deny there are no bad ppl..but it all boils down to what channel u went to... channel like #Singapore , singapore20+, teens , chatzone ... are the so call big channel...and this are the breeding place for bad ppl.... there are good ppl..but most of the time overshadow by the bad peeps.... Thats when smaller independant channel come in...they are the ppl whom are regular in chatting and banded themself together in one channel so they can be away from the "bad" kind... i recommend joining smaller channel if you wanna meet better personality ppl....Galaxynet #timeless have the highest peak at 62 if i remember correctly and till now it hasnt been broken yet sigh....... guess some things dont come again ...hopefully not like halley's comet... 76 year... :(

The reason i make this post is to let me remember my life i had when i was young and the pals i had which stay with me from then till now..and how i lead my life from then till now.... i could say i was more carefree and naive when i was young ...and now... though still carefree..but have grown darker in nature compare to the then me ... thats sad i know..but what to do..... this is life... this is adult life... we have to adept to the condition.... if we don't we will get eaten alive by others or the much as i wanted to remain carefree..... there is proving to be especially harder each year i grow old... guess one day even the carefree of guy will have to spread devil horn.... but i will prevail to the very end... i know one day i will sucuumb to the dark side...but till then i will prevail been good till the very end!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This Week's update

Hmm seems i have not much post this week therefore this will be a recap on last week till this week happening... here goes....

Finally most of my work at workplace is settle wif some loose end that need to touch up... but it will still take weeks to follow up till everything is done but needless to say the impt issue are i can start to relax after this week i guess :P

I started RT today ( tuesday ) although my first lesson was last sunday ... which i forgotten about it i missed my first lesson....therefore i am allowed to miss one more i need to find one day i wanna rest and use it ... anyway today lesson.. phase 1 and 2 combine resulting in 500 ppl running a 2 way road..which is hardly running... out of the 500 runner.. only maybe 20 are really running ...50 are jogging.... the rest are walking/chatting ... and for my case smsing... since i know no one there :/

Oh btw Iphone2 will be launching july 11 .. i already ask my boss ( IT manager ) to contact his fren in US to buy me one if it launch ..since SG confirm charge a bomb for one heheh... so maybe end of july i will be holding a Iphone2 !!!

Last but not least.. although i promise myself not to think about car yet till i pass my TP... i cant resist posting here.. i found my dream car... on the road.... and upon checking ard... i finally know the name of the car... mitsubishi I

Ok here's a pic of the car

yes yes i know its a very small hatchback but the performance rated is superb and as those know me well i like to do things different from ppl this wont come as a shock to u peeps...however i seldom love things at first sight...and this is one the few moment it actually happen!

Well tats all i gonna post for now... oh this was a typo for my TP on my last month post.. it should be Aug 19 not Aug 18 hehehe ... anyway tata~

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Personality Test

My friend ask me try it i did and here is my personality test

You are a BUILDER / explorer

You are popular, trustworthy and dependable. People like you for many reasons; but among them you tend to be stable, loyal and caring and you have a wonderful knack for common sense.

You are a guardian. Your relationships with friends, kin and colleagues are important to you. So you spend time and energy developing and defending these social networks.

You are a good executive and manager. People almost instinctively feel you can supervise financial, business and social issues effectively. And because you are sensible and factual, you can.

You work hard. You like schedules. You are detail oriented. And you tend to respect traditions. So you bring strength and stability to your social and business environments.

Yet you admire people who are spontaneous and you enjoy new and different ideas and experiences, as long as they are not dangerous. Respectability and appropriateness are important to you. And you are capable of deep, solid friendships.

our Major and Minor Personality Types
  • Your major personality type = Builder
  • Your minor personality type = Explorer

-Explorer - 27%
-Negotiator - 25%
-Builder - 28%
-Director - 20%
How your personality breaks out
Characteristics of all four personality types can be found within each of us, but there is almost always one personality type that is dominant. We call this the major personality type.

The Personality Profile also identifies your minor or secondary personality type. You exhibit some aspects of this personality type, though not to the same degree as with your major type.

Builder, 28%: Usually very popular. Deep attachment to home and family. Calm demeanor and low anxiety. Often consistent, loyal and protective.

Explorer, 27%: Known for high energy, high creativity and spontaneity. Seeks novelty, risk and pleasure. Intellectually curious and not easily swayed by opinion.

Negotiator, 25%: Excels at seeing the big picture, long-term planning and consensus building. An intuitive thinker who is flexible, verbal and socially skilled. Imaginative, empathetic and nurturing.

Director, 20%: Daring, original, direct and inventive. A non-conformist. Skilled at abstract thinking and short-term planning. Often assertive and quite competitive. Tough-minded and efficient.

What does it mean??? well its up to how you percieve it.... :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Macross Frontier

Recently this few days i've been hooked on Macross Frontier macross epsiode.. since the first macross since 1982... every guy who is born in the year of 1978-1980s would spend their time watching Macross and it was prior Gundam....though i still prefer Macross to Gundam and i like 2 of their songs.. and i have put one of their upbeat song on my blog u can listen to it !!! hehe

Oh if ur interested to know i own serveral Macross item.. namely the Game for PS1 , A mecha of Roy forker VF Skull ( cost me 110 dollar to buy during 21th anniversary of Macross ) and SDF 1 ..but i dunno go where liao ....

Less typing more listening ..listening to the song ...and oh ya here a youtube version of it with some fan clips of the show

wat u waiting for gogogo its a must for guys ... or girls who like upbeat music with mecha

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Encounter with a very old song

While working... and surfing the net ..i encounter a song i never heard since around sec 3... tat was like 13 yr ago.....i still remember it was such a nice song then.... though many ppl may find this kind of song is too cheesy or old fashion le... but it was really great during my times....
here's the lyric

(柏)星星住在天空 人群仕在地球 宇宙间我们不寂寞
(松)沙漠拥有绿州 山谷拥有河流 天空也有彩虹
(柏)他们留下什麽给明天的孩子 陪他一起认识地球
(合)留下高楼大厦 还是公路烟囱 谁能做他的朋友..
留一片蓝天 让白云彩霞都有一个家留一片海洋 让海鸥飞翔 没有人会阻挡让地球(让地球)每个角落(每个角落)都靠近天空
留一片草原 让蝴蝶和花都有一个家让地球的孩子可以找到他 说说心里的话让世界(让世界)的每一天(的每一天)都充满阳光

i will try to find the mp3 and change my blog's music to that song for a couple of week :) for those who really wanna hear early 1990s music trend...
the first song :P...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Army Army Go Away~~~ Dye hair time~

Woohoo~! my army reservisit for Aug 4 - Aug 20 has been defered successfully!! 17 day of my civilian time saved from the hands of mindef... thx kenneth + roy ( both managers of 2 companies ) for helping me out on this issue ... hehe ..though i need to MUT ( make up training ) in the future...but it wont be as siong as this one....and it wont crash with my TP too hehe.... anyway i got my SMS from mindef around 720pm yesterday evening prior going BBDC.....was waiting since april 30... finally a reply after 1 month... lucky i send early if not ... jialat.....

Tonight imma go guardian buy a highly concentrated bleach hair solution to lighten my hair...finally my hair can change color after waiting for sooooo long... ^_^ \/... i will post my updated "colored"hair on here and friendster when its all done hehe .... be sure to check it out ~~~