Thursday, June 26, 2008

Channel #Timeless

Well Well Well...suddenly i feel like posting this post....for my channel #Timeless....If you knew me well, u will know i am a channel owner in galaxynet #timeless....but not many ppl know this channel wasnt orginated in galaxynet nor called timeless in the beginning....
it all began in dec 1996......

I was a young cute boiboi who just finished his O lvl.....and my mom bought me my first pc Pentium pro 150 ... 3.2k ... holy shit expensive back then....i was using window 95....and initally i chat using comic chat..which comes with window 95....and some ppl in the chat introduce me a program call MIRC... the first version i use was 4.7 i think....i was happily chatting every night for 1hr ..since internet is expensive back then... and my internt bill come to 60++ per month and once even hit 350 dollar when i play diablo online ...grrr .ok back to topic... the server i went to chat was Austnet... although its called Austnet.. there are alot of Singaporean chatting there as well..and i met alot of good ppl there whom are still my best friends till now... After chatting for like 2 month ++ i started thinking of opening up a channel... i created alot of channels like #cosy-place , #Futurezone , #Once_in_a_lifetime , #timeless( yes i created it and delete it away ) , #Teen_place but i never get one channel up for long except #timeless which lasted 1 yr... other channel lasted from 2 weeks to 2 month... i knew my "1st " official GF from there as well..... i have bros and sis in Austnet....but as times pass...most of the chatters drifted to Galaxynet.... as i was quite resline to such changes i refuse to budge ....but in the year 2000 the old mule i was ....jump to Galaxynet.... though i frequent back Austnet...but the people in Austnet is deminishing....the only guy i can see 24hr in my channel was a guy call jon whom i never even met but park in my channel for 1yr ++... even in the year 2001 when i one day go back my old channel i could see him..... but i cant say much for year 2002 onward =x....

Galaxynet #timeless was created on 2008 Aug.... i'm please to say its gonna be 8 year old soon..but the actual #timeless is actually 10 year old already!!! ... i'm a veteran chatter ok =x ...i know alot of ppl say irc have lots of bad ppl..i dun deny there are no bad ppl..but it all boils down to what channel u went to... channel like #Singapore , singapore20+, teens , chatzone ... are the so call big channel...and this are the breeding place for bad ppl.... there are good ppl..but most of the time overshadow by the bad peeps.... Thats when smaller independant channel come in...they are the ppl whom are regular in chatting and banded themself together in one channel so they can be away from the "bad" kind... i recommend joining smaller channel if you wanna meet better personality ppl....Galaxynet #timeless have the highest peak at 62 if i remember correctly and till now it hasnt been broken yet sigh....... guess some things dont come again ...hopefully not like halley's comet... 76 year... :(

The reason i make this post is to let me remember my life i had when i was young and the pals i had which stay with me from then till now..and how i lead my life from then till now.... i could say i was more carefree and naive when i was young ...and now... though still carefree..but have grown darker in nature compare to the then me ... thats sad i know..but what to do..... this is life... this is adult life... we have to adept to the condition.... if we don't we will get eaten alive by others or the much as i wanted to remain carefree..... there is proving to be especially harder each year i grow old... guess one day even the carefree of guy will have to spread devil horn.... but i will prevail to the very end... i know one day i will sucuumb to the dark side...but till then i will prevail been good till the very end!

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