Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Encounter with a very old song

While working... and surfing the net ..i encounter a song i never heard since around sec 3... tat was like 13 yr ago.....i still remember it was such a nice song then.... though many ppl may find this kind of song is too cheesy or old fashion le... but it was really great during my times....
here's the lyric

(柏)星星住在天空 人群仕在地球 宇宙间我们不寂寞
(松)沙漠拥有绿州 山谷拥有河流 天空也有彩虹
(柏)他们留下什麽给明天的孩子 陪他一起认识地球
(合)留下高楼大厦 还是公路烟囱 谁能做他的朋友..
留一片蓝天 让白云彩霞都有一个家留一片海洋 让海鸥飞翔 没有人会阻挡让地球(让地球)每个角落(每个角落)都靠近天空
留一片草原 让蝴蝶和花都有一个家让地球的孩子可以找到他 说说心里的话让世界(让世界)的每一天(的每一天)都充满阳光

i will try to find the mp3 and change my blog's music to that song for a couple of week :) for those who really wanna hear early 1990s music trend...
the first song :P...

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