Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This Week's update

Hmm seems i have not much post this week therefore this will be a recap on last week till this week happening... here goes....

Finally most of my work at workplace is settle wif some loose end that need to touch up... but it will still take weeks to follow up till everything is done but needless to say the impt issue are solved...so i can start to relax after this week i guess :P

I started RT today ( tuesday ) although my first lesson was last sunday ... which i forgotten about it lol..so i missed my first lesson....therefore i am allowed to miss one more lesson...so i need to find one day i wanna rest and use it ... anyway today lesson.. phase 1 and 2 combine resulting in 500 ppl running a 2 way road..which is hardly running... out of the 500 runner.. only maybe 20 are really running ...50 are jogging.... the rest are walking/chatting ... and for my case smsing... since i know no one there :/

Oh btw Iphone2 will be launching july 11 .. i already ask my boss ( IT manager ) to contact his fren in US to buy me one if it launch ..since SG confirm charge a bomb for one heheh... so maybe end of july i will be holding a Iphone2 !!!

Last but not least.. although i promise myself not to think about car yet till i pass my TP... i cant resist posting here.. i found my dream car... on the road.... and upon checking ard... i finally know the name of the car... mitsubishi I

Ok here's a pic of the car

yes yes i know its a very small hatchback but the performance rated is superb and as those know me well i like to do things different from ppl ..so this wont come as a shock to u peeps...however i seldom love things at first sight...and this is one the few moment it actually happen!

Well tats all i gonna post for now... oh this was a typo for my TP on my last month post.. it should be Aug 19 not Aug 18 hehehe ... anyway tata~

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