Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Getting crazy...

I think i should stop having naps durin evening when i return from work... this is the 2nd time in a week i have strange dreams when i'm taking a nap during this period of times.... grrr guess my mind isnt resting when i'm sleeping -_-

Hope i'm not the only one out there with strange dreams

Monday, January 28, 2008

Vroom Vroom

After so many years...i finally found the "time" and went to BBDC to register for my driving lesson :) hehe i hope i can do the " Do it once do it good" routine and get my license ASAP cause mom promise a 2nd hand car if i pass and i will be able to vroom vroom vroom :P

Chinese new year is approaching.....i manage to get some new clothes le....just need some pants and i'm good to go for chinese new year..hope the new year pass with some happiness and joy :)

This is a short update as i'm really tired now :P

Thursday, January 24, 2008

For the first time.. in my life.. i cried in a dream ..so touching

The things i'm gonna type here is for my rememberance to this dream...i do not wish to forget this dream not even till i die... its a dream thats so sentimental it still shock me even after i am awake ....for the very first time in my life .. i have a dream that i actually cry....

The dream start as.........

I was in a school... i couldnt tell if its a ancient or futuristic school,there is at least 15 storey heavily pack 4 sided square enclosed building with the centre of the square a gap to view over the 3 opposite side of the building...there is alot of students in this heavily pack school.The school bell have just rung and all the student are rushing in to the class...2 students were late and were call to the office... there is a tradition in the school ... those who violate the rules be it big or small are to be send out of school and not allow to be back for 1 day..and has to leave the school before lunch hour.But before you are send away from school, you have to write a ten page composition on why you are punish....here's when the story start......

The 2 young kid have just recieved the punishment book for them to write down their reason for been late...they are to write it down together...One of the boy went and flip open the book..he flip and flip and flip till all the 10 pages are flip out making a piece of paper 2 table wide...they have just finish writing the first few letters ( Chinese ) on the paper when one boy notice there are words written in pencil behind the 10 pages long paper...as he turn over and read..i'm been bring over to the life of the 2 girl who wrote down their life/friendship for each other ...

The 2 girls get to know each other in the school, they consider themself best friend for each other... one is a rich but humble girl while the other is a very poor but a very strong girl who rely no help ..they rely on each other company in the school to pass their time... however both of them suffer from a heart disease at the same time in which the only cure in my dream during that time is a transfer or donation of heart from another person...The parents of both family were sadden by this turn of event and search high and low for a heart to replace their daughter...both only had 2 week to live..finally a heart donor was found during the last 2 days, it belong to a guy who is almost dead but kept alive by ICU...the family of that guy would sell the heart for a huge sum of amount to anyone who need it.....as you know it the rich family bought it without any thinking...the rich girl refuse the heart and insist the heart be given to her best friend and she rather die then to her best friend die beside her and she ran away from home.Her best friend after hearing the news went over to their favourite spot in the mountain and found her crying.She console her and encourage her to take the heart and she will find another one.Both of them console each other and soon they fell asleep....

They woke up the next morning and found out they are late for school and they immediately rush to school...They were late and was punished the same way as others writing down the 10 pages flip and leaving the school before lunch ..

The scenry immediately changed back to the 2 boys... they check the date in which this was written ... it was 2 years ago... apparently the school master wasnt really going thru all the punishment reason written and since it was written in light pencil its almost invisible to those who don't really notice and must have put the book to unused section in the shelf..awaiting the next person to recieve the punishment...

I was taken back to the scene of the 2 girls.... upon finishing the story on the book..they left the school..tears was flowing down their cheek as they bid farefell to the school , they know they are not going to have a chance to see the school ever again and they won't be able to enjoy the times they spend together ever again... They walk up the mountain , it was a cold late morning ...they went up to their favourite spot , sit close together hugging each other for warmth and was never seen or heard every again

The book was circiulated around the school , everyone want to know who were the 2 girl in this story...after searching during the old year book they found the 2 girl...the 2 girl was standing on top of the mountain on their favourite spot they are waving in the photo the date the picture was taken was....the day they went missing and was taken in the late morning......

Upon reaching this point of my dream... i was really crying in my dream.. i never had this feeling before and i end up waking up...i was speechless and moody.. so i decided to post it up before it forget about it...after all this is my first sentimental dream..

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things are starting to move....

Well this is it.....things are starting to move..finally after all this year...i finally got time to did my passport...and i finally bought myself a Basic theory driving book to study.....after all this year i finally find time in me to do all this .....

Today i'm gonna mail my appliciation for a new passport ( which cost me 70 bucks ) and i am going to register an account with BBDC next week..to commence my Basic Theory Test...to get everything in motion... and oh yeah ... i should be going to genting next month should my passport is approve in time to go heehehe :P

Hopefully 2008 is a year i manage to successfuly complete the amt of task i have... if i get to pass my driving..and obtain a passport and also go genting... then i would have completed the amt of tasks/time it would take to complete for the past 2-3 years!

Ok no more talk...currently reading the basic theory driving test 300 questions and answer book ... bb

Friday, January 18, 2008

Life ,Work & Me

Life @ Work is now starting to get pretty much tougher in the new yr... as i get more used to habasit's life... more things are starting to pop up.. ppl are more "willing" to call upon u in anything... be it just a simple wire drop on the floor i will be called to the location "JUST" to take a look -_-... i guess when people get accustomed to you they will feel they can get to you anytime everywhere ba ...

Now my life and myself.... ..pretty much the same'ol me ..boring and regimental..... sleep .. wake up go work come home ... tv/game ...sleep .. the process repeat itself with occiasional outing/date ..thats about it.. i can finish my Life in one whole sentence ...

Me.... well i guess i did improve in some way or another ba..... compare to the old me at my early 20s .. i think i did sort of improve in handling myself and my partner and my frens... the old me would just give up if things dont work out or i got a arguement... however the now me will stick on to tackle the situation or solve the arguements if any ..so it wont leave any issues in the future to tackle... guess people change.. upgrade and also improve as times goes by ba...

Well ... new yr coming hope ... things will pick up and be better be it my life.. my work or my r/s ba ..


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Cupboard ....and my 2008

Hmm why does the title say my cupboard ...well its not really a cupboard but more of a study table ..tat was with me since i'm 10 i suspose...... it was recently threw away to make room as no one is using it anymore ( the child my mom babysit left on 31th dec 2007 ) and its time we finally throw it away.... i was happy to threw it away as it an eyesore in the living room blocking the already small 3 room flat......

However suddenly i got that urge of missing that cupboard....it has been with me for 18 years though i only use it for like 8 and left vacant the remaining 7 year....i remember happiness..saddness and even cry a few times on tat study table during my early sec days .. i remember doing my homework with that bright floursant light and whenever i went to sleep i would turn on the small orange light attach to it before i sleep.... without that light i wouldnt even go to bed ....tat was when i'm 10 .

Sad to say i never get the chance to take a photo of it prior throwing it away and if i was given the chance again i would take photo of it and post it here :( ... ahh the memories ...

Anyway we are now in the 2nd week of 2008.....nothing much have really changed...i'm still working at Habasit ...i'm still quite happy working ( tats rare ) .. u dont see me complaining much and everything is still pretty much OK for me....though the thought of my purpose in life is getting dull .... i just dunno why..... maybe i'm not those kind of ppl that can stay in one job for long ba...but this is actually the first job i had tat i dun really complain...

Recently i've been sleeping alot after reaching home from work which resulted in sleeping even later after i woke up from those nap .... it goes something like this sleep 730pm - 1030pm.... then sleep again at 245am...... but toss around the bed till 3-4am before dozing ..end up been a zombie at work at times..... T_T ... i really need to regain my energy !!!!!!

Hao le... nothing much to say le .... lets see if remaining month is exciting or dull ... or unexpected...i'm off to to rest/nap @ workplace..my eye are peeling to stay open and time crawl today omg...... not even 3pm!! Arghhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


In case ur wondering why am i not posting any new blog for the past 1 week +...lets juz say i'm busy heheeh rose...... going out mahjong etc.... its been a fairly exciting 1 week :).. I went to Vivo city to catch a movie + do a small shopping there..... watch National Treasure there.... 600 seats :) the biggest in singapore and its full to the bream when we go there see ^_^

There also seems to be quite a few mahjong sessions in the last month of the yr 2007 i seems to be playing mahjong every weekend ..and to tell the the truth for the last 2 month of mahjong sessions i had... is equalivlant to 3 yr worth of mahjong session i had last time!! ... omg but then again i'm not addicted to gambling...just some harmless thrill here and there to pass time i guess

2007 is finally over..... the past is all but past now... 2008 will be a fresh yr for me to start out and i hope not on the wrong foot :)... so far i'm still fine in all aspect ... health ( cough though ) ...finance ( not oweing anyone money though income is low ) .. family and r/s ( shld be ok right ding dong o.0 ;P ) Its been a long year in 2007... i cant seem to really recall what i did in the yr 2007 except for the past few months...other then that its a complete blur...i only remember KTV session...tats it for my first 6 month of 2007....i reckon 2007 is a yr that dont left much of a impression ....i somehow had the impression that i am actually sleeping my way thru 2005-2007..as i really really have no recollection of the significant things i did now ...maybe i didnt have enuff slp ytd... watching startrek epsiode till almost 5am .....but i guess this is not the reason... maybe 2008 is a wake up call for me to do something better and make a lasting impression in my boring life ba...ehhee

My Resolution for the yr 2008 is .... manage my finance well.......really get a license to drive and have a trip abroad :) hope all come true ^_^ \/

Happy New Year 2008 Bloggers