Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Cupboard ....and my 2008

Hmm why does the title say my cupboard ...well its not really a cupboard but more of a study table ..tat was with me since i'm 10 i suspose...... it was recently threw away to make room as no one is using it anymore ( the child my mom babysit left on 31th dec 2007 ) and its time we finally throw it away.... i was happy to threw it away as it an eyesore in the living room blocking the already small 3 room flat......

However suddenly i got that urge of missing that cupboard....it has been with me for 18 years though i only use it for like 8 and left vacant the remaining 7 year....i remember happiness..saddness and even cry a few times on tat study table during my early sec days .. i remember doing my homework with that bright floursant light and whenever i went to sleep i would turn on the small orange light attach to it before i sleep.... without that light i wouldnt even go to bed ....tat was when i'm 10 .

Sad to say i never get the chance to take a photo of it prior throwing it away and if i was given the chance again i would take photo of it and post it here :( ... ahh the memories ...

Anyway we are now in the 2nd week of 2008.....nothing much have really changed...i'm still working at Habasit ...i'm still quite happy working ( tats rare ) .. u dont see me complaining much and everything is still pretty much OK for me....though the thought of my purpose in life is getting dull .... i just dunno why..... maybe i'm not those kind of ppl that can stay in one job for long ba...but this is actually the first job i had tat i dun really complain...

Recently i've been sleeping alot after reaching home from work which resulted in sleeping even later after i woke up from those nap .... it goes something like this sleep 730pm - 1030pm.... then sleep again at 245am...... but toss around the bed till 3-4am before dozing ..end up been a zombie at work at times..... T_T ... i really need to regain my energy !!!!!!

Hao le... nothing much to say le .... lets see if remaining month is exciting or dull ... or unexpected...i'm off to to rest/nap @ workplace..my eye are peeling to stay open and time crawl today omg...... not even 3pm!! Arghhhhhhhhh

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