Wednesday, January 2, 2008


In case ur wondering why am i not posting any new blog for the past 1 week +...lets juz say i'm busy heheeh rose...... going out mahjong etc.... its been a fairly exciting 1 week :).. I went to Vivo city to catch a movie + do a small shopping there..... watch National Treasure there.... 600 seats :) the biggest in singapore and its full to the bream when we go there see ^_^

There also seems to be quite a few mahjong sessions in the last month of the yr 2007 i seems to be playing mahjong every weekend ..and to tell the the truth for the last 2 month of mahjong sessions i had... is equalivlant to 3 yr worth of mahjong session i had last time!! ... omg but then again i'm not addicted to gambling...just some harmless thrill here and there to pass time i guess

2007 is finally over..... the past is all but past now... 2008 will be a fresh yr for me to start out and i hope not on the wrong foot :)... so far i'm still fine in all aspect ... health ( cough though ) ( not oweing anyone money though income is low ) .. family and r/s ( shld be ok right ding dong o.0 ;P ) Its been a long year in 2007... i cant seem to really recall what i did in the yr 2007 except for the past few months...other then that its a complete blur...i only remember KTV session...tats it for my first 6 month of 2007....i reckon 2007 is a yr that dont left much of a impression ....i somehow had the impression that i am actually sleeping my way thru i really really have no recollection of the significant things i did now ...maybe i didnt have enuff slp ytd... watching startrek epsiode till almost 5am .....but i guess this is not the reason... maybe 2008 is a wake up call for me to do something better and make a lasting impression in my boring life ba...ehhee

My Resolution for the yr 2008 is .... manage my finance well.......really get a license to drive and have a trip abroad :) hope all come true ^_^ \/

Happy New Year 2008 Bloggers

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