Friday, January 18, 2008

Life ,Work & Me

Life @ Work is now starting to get pretty much tougher in the new yr... as i get more used to habasit's life... more things are starting to pop up.. ppl are more "willing" to call upon u in anything... be it just a simple wire drop on the floor i will be called to the location "JUST" to take a look -_-... i guess when people get accustomed to you they will feel they can get to you anytime everywhere ba ...

Now my life and myself.... ..pretty much the same'ol me ..boring and regimental..... sleep .. wake up go work come home ... tv/game ...sleep .. the process repeat itself with occiasional outing/date ..thats about it.. i can finish my Life in one whole sentence ...

Me.... well i guess i did improve in some way or another ba..... compare to the old me at my early 20s .. i think i did sort of improve in handling myself and my partner and my frens... the old me would just give up if things dont work out or i got a arguement... however the now me will stick on to tackle the situation or solve the arguements if any it wont leave any issues in the future to tackle... guess people change.. upgrade and also improve as times goes by ba...

Well ... new yr coming hope ... things will pick up and be better be it my life.. my work or my r/s ba ..


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