Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Life..

Hehe.. though i promise myself to blog often..but seems i cant keep this promise but at least this post is not too far from my previous post... =x So far life is good.. i quited MMORPG ...yet again and relegated to Dota 2 with my friends i met thru out this past few years gaming. In Short life is really getting better by alot within this few years My BTO house already built until 13 floor liao.. soon it will be at 20th (max 20th floor) and i predicted i will be able to move in around nov next year...Now really need to start saving tons of money if not how to survice sia! Work so far i'm liking it alot. Ever since i started working 2003 at E-games till now.. this is the only job after almost 4 month that i can say that its still Stress free. Talk about irony... =.= . The only downside is i have to squeeze with ppl to take bus to work...but when travelling home i am gurantee a seat but it will become sadine by the time i get out whew!. I'm looking into planning a Genting trip this coming Nov-Dec ..hopefully i can get to breath cold air and do some gambling considering my luck have change and that i feel i'm lucky enough to win some money back from the Casino...i really do feel that way =) Me and my wife are still as loving as always although she love to nag at me ( she "enjoy" nagging her sibling since young so i guess now we are married she transfer this onto me and her sibling was actually happy i am at recieving end and not them -_- )But we do need to work on our spending now since our house is coming and the fact we just bought a insurance + rider for both of us which will eat us 150-200 sgd per month >_< I hope my life can continue this smooth sailing and my job can maintain longer then 10 yr... The environment is really not bad compare to previous jobs. All in all i will end my blogging with the usual crap ... i will blog often! =x

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