Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Favourite members of former morning musume

was listening to their songs again ... and as of now they are in their 8th generation of singers -_-... but still i prefer ( and only listen to ) 4th and 5th generation circa 2001- late 2004 songs so and i kinda like a few of their singers mainly

安倍なつみ - Natsumi Abe
矢口真里 -Mari Yaguchi
石川梨華 - Rika Ishikawa
吉澤ひとみ - Hitomi Yoshizawa
辻希美 - Nozomi Tsuji
加護亜依 - Ai Kago
高橋愛 - Takahashi ai
紺野あさ美 - Asami Konno
後藤真希 - Goto Maki
新垣里沙 - Risa Niigaki

I may leave out afew favourite but the problem is there are 8 generation of them and every generation have 10-14 members..and some members are cross generation i.e from Generation 3 till 5 or Generation 2 till 4 etc.. so its really really very hard to find their name and since when they were taken when they are 2001-2004 they are only 14-19 yr old and now in 2009 they have matured and their looks changed making it even harder to find their updated info -_-

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