Monday, July 6, 2009


It was suspose to be very super long post as i planned it yesterday night when i'm about to sleep..but now... i suddenly forgot what i want to blog about... *mind total blank*

Anyway today im back to work (was on urgent leave on friday) and well habasit is pretty much the same ...nothing really change..still same old job..same old ppl and same old pay...i guess its pretty stale if you say but i have no choice now.. i need to maintain it till end of the yr....

Oh yeah suddenly i remember vividly some of the stuff i want to post... recently i've been driving much more often maybe 30% more then usual ..but still on fri-sun and abit of driving on weekday evening to meet gf for dinner...therefore i feel much more confident in navigating in ulu places or places i drag to go i.e East side and city area..where the traffic is crazy compare to our quiet West side...i'm still thinking if i should drive to my friend ROM on thursday at orchard area.. 20 dollar sticker + ERP charges = eeeep $$ and the ang bao .. oh god.. KO

I should be planning a chalet next week 17-19 july since its been ages i attended last chalet was like ... 2007?? so i am hopping to have one this month since i am really running out of places to go and with H1N1 ... i doubt travelling is a valid option now..

Personal life wise... im still on the "OK" side as i am having slightly better sleep now and slightly better lifestyle..still need to change more though.. but i need time.. .>_< and time is not a luxury i have now...

I really really cannot think of those long post i wanna post yesterday night arrgh :( .. guess no choice i end up my post here... will update if i remember ...

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