Monday, July 21, 2008

Batman : The Dark Knight / P2

I just watched both shows last weekend ..and all i could say is...the dark knight isn't as good as it claims to be....i mean the previous batman movie was way better then the current one and this one is just too lengthy and kinda boring ( my fren actually doze off ). On the other hand the movie : P2 is better then expected ... though the plot is roughly anticipiated ...the scene isnt.... there is alot of thriller/gross part for a B grade movie and the main actor and actress give their best for this movie...and i think it deserved a rating of at least a 3.8/5 for overall considering it involved a building and a carpark....

I hope mummies 3 this coming weekend will fair better considering i put alot of expectation on this movie and i hope it wont disappoint me like Batman did.....and i cant believe its open gross beat Spiderman 3 in USA...guess i don't really understand the plot enough to garnder the rating...

Monday is here.... arrgh the blues... gonna work 5 more days before my next weekend... i miss......... >_<

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