Friday, July 25, 2008

Weekend finally here...

Yes...finally weekend is here again....the day of my TP is drawing near..and sad to say i lose the enthusatic i once had...for driving... i guess due to the amount of time i waited for it... it just lose its appeal...i recieved a letter from BBDC yesterday informing me that i havent completed all my lesson and i had to complete them by Aug 5.. in order to take TP on Aug 19... grrrr

On the lighter note ..tonight i will be going to watch Art of Devil 3 and X-files.... both are not for the faint of heart !!.... one involve Voodoo and dark magic .. while the other involve suspense and mystery..the truth is out there!.... hehehe the whole overall movie event will last till 2++ .... gonna be a shag day ahead today..and tml i guess i will go shopping for clothes and a crystal ball to deco my room with hehe ..must live life to the fullest le.... not getting young ..but i'm gonna be forever 25!! just like alan tam :P

Workwise... finally those country managers are back to their own ( friday ) is finally a relax day for me after a whole week of running up and down installing , repairing... etc etc etc and etc.... well... now i have nothing to wish for except 6pm quickly COME arrrrrrrr

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