Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today's schedule...

All right i have my BTT ( Basic Theory Test ) at 2pm.. i manage to finish it at 2.13.21 .... the 2nd one to leave the place..and wtf... a lady..maybe in her 30s left the place ard 2.11pm .. tio beaten by her sia!!.... shamed >_<... but nvm i PASSED~~~~~ ... immediately i went apply PDL upon passing ..and book a practicial lesson at 955pm at night... hehehe.....

8.05pm-945pm.. had mine final theory lesson 1.01.... no problem at all....can understand most of the points.....

955pm-11.05pm... the problem start....

First thing : the lesson should be 100min but ..since its the last lesson of everyday the lesson is only 70min.. 30min lost...and my instructor is like those "Wang Jie" looks type...one of the few kind of personality ppl that i am having trouble communicating with...

2nd thing : Its so dark... the instructor ask me see the engine or things etc.. cannot even see clearly lo

3rd thing : Instructor told me as first lesson i shouldnt book this timing.... very hard to learn cause i cant see alot of things -_-

4th thing : after 40min of seeing the engine.. how to change tyre etc....

5th thing: Since i have no prior experience with driving... the engine dies quite a few time when i break without holding the farking clutch.. *juz not used to it yet* .. worest of all i only got 20min worth of driving time... cause 30min gone.. by right 50min driving time one... so i hardly learn anything arrgh.... still having problem holding the car at biting point...

He is kinda rushing me though after explaining the part and all..give me 5min try gear 1 infront..then reverse.. then immedaitely ask me go round and round circuit le.. in gear 1 and 2.... kinda nervious...therefore my brake also abit hard.... >_< haiz... guess the 2nd lesson i need to learn to press properly i tend to press to hard on the accelerator and the brake..and forgot the stupid clutch lol.... but hey ..first timer.. gimme some room man!~ i will improve.... :P hopefully my 2nd lesson on sunday morning will fare better since its morning and i can see better .....all in all i'm feelin pretty happy and nervious and looking forward for my next lesson ~ Jia you Jing Shun!!! .. oop i mean Robin!

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