Monday, May 5, 2008

Busiest Week starting today till friday

Woohoo this week gonna be a very pack week for me.....good thing too....heres the schedule...tat pack me up~

Monday ... Half day work....then afternoon going client aka collegue house to help setup SSLVPN for her ...i think she taking 1-2 week off at home..therefore she need to work at home my big boss ask me go her house setup for her...hopefully it can be done in 1-2hr then i can go home early muahahahah =x eat snake :P

Tuesday ... i took my off day on tuesday.... afternoon i have my Basic theory test.....evening i got my final theory between gonna get my PDL ( if i pass my BTT) then book 2-3 practicial lesson !!!

Wednesday... workin in the morning till usual... evening final theory lesson again ~~

Thursday ... Working in the morning till afternoon as usual again...evening FTT practise ...and afterwards... Evaluation... if i pass i can carry on booking my final theory Exam date!....oh wait....i can book my FTT after i got my PDL and BTT pass...heheh okok that mean if i pass FTE .. i juz need to wait for my FTT date.....then can book TP ....

Friday ... if everything goes smoothly after my work.. i will get my first practicial driving lesson at night...... so as u can see.... i'm fully packed for this week.... but i'm loving it~

As for my RT ... its set on to start on June 15... every tuesday and gonna commit to that......
My resevisit for the month of AUG is currently pending for deferment....if i can defer it gonna be a great end of the year for me settle my stuff before i go NS :)

Life is starting to look great now.. hopefully it stay at way ^_^" ....well nothing much left to type now..gonna settle everything by 12pm today ...then go client house le...


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