Thursday, May 8, 2008

About Recent posting...

If you have read my blog regularly , you would have notice that most of my recent blog involved driving.... yes i'm learning driving! ... lol.... guess u would already had figure out then if not... go kill urself =p..... Anyway as usual will update abit on what happened yesterday and today....

Had my 2nd driving lesson ( another 70 min lesson..couldnt get the 100min lesson again!) at to my 1st lesson ...its a huge major difference....the instructor teach me how to clutch and press the accelerator etc....while my 1st lesson..the instructor sit beside me and say clutch and go.... wtf man...really instructor mean alot when learning ur first few lesson of driving.... my 1st lesson was so bad i learn close to nothing... while my yesterday lesson is like a big major improvement.... -_-... anyway for tonight .. i will have my Final theory Practise and evaluation.... lol.. consider i just got my Basic theory test on tuesday..and 2 days later my final theory evaulation hor =p ...... but i think i need to slow abit down on practical..if not ... i will get burn very easily... starting to feel the strain already ..going bbdc everyday for 2 lesson .....

Currently work @ habasit is fine...but definiately will be busy as well...lotus note will be upgraded by this week or next week... window svr 2000 will be upgraded to 2003 ...and some hardware issue will be address to in the coming week..... its gonna be busy but i still have time to go out on weekend no worry ^_^"

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