Friday, May 9, 2008

Do you have such personality

hehe just wanna post something today ..guess i'm free today at work so........

Below are my experiences.....

1)When buying new hp in the 1990s and early 2000s.... when nokia rules over the hp market.. i will rather buy a panasonic or a samsung ...heck a LG phone rather then a nokia

2)When everyone is enrolling to Courses leading to business course or marketing rather put ur first choice on the things u like despite parents disapproval?

3)When u go shopping with friends for clothes , and u like some clothes u like alot which your friends strongly disagree but u still buy them anyway

4)When ur in love with a TV shows ( StarTrek for instance) that none of ur friends knows about
and feel that they are missing out alot on the greater thing in life?

5)When wad u do seems always wrong to most of the people but yet seems so right to you.....i know i know ...but its true right :/

i can go on lots more...but i guess i should stop now... 30min till off work...preparing to off everything drink kopi relax awhile before leaving hehe ciao~

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