Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Month of April

As we approaches the end of april... more shows are out ...hopefully i get to watched most of them....there are namely Ironman , judgement and the comedy show from scarymovies/epic movies series and several horrors show >_< .... just hope i got enuff time grrrr

Work is now slightly more pack then compare to previous month..maybe because the mid month is the busiest for company ba....been doing PR almost everyday and getting quotations daily too.... computer wise problem are on the new system thats gonna setup on the new company and the upcoming autocad system for Yvonne's home... so i guess it wont be like last time tat relax le...though i dun mind considering i have slack quite a while ....but i do hope my pay get to raise soon ( previous raise was only 80buck after 6 month of working >_< )

The upcoming may will be feel wif stuffs to do .. RT ..woohoo Driving evaluations ( dunno how many lesson i will take to pass ) and maybe prepare some exercise for my upcoming Aug Training usual..from now on.. i will keep reminding myself the 3 priority i need to get it done before 2009 so i can enjoy 2009 more......

Well its 920am now...guess i will go back to forum threading and surfing net...hopefully today will be uneventful too ^_^\/

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