Thursday, April 24, 2008

Eventful update :)

Today can consider my happiest and sad day collide i wont touch on the sad part but what i can tell u is that i manage to do a couple of things i hold back for quite sometimes and also sometime that shld be done on june to be all push to May :)

1) BTT basic theory Test june 14.. but i manage to pull it to May 6.... ehhee ^_^ ..but the bad part .. i need to pass my basic evaluation by later 6.15..if not i wont be eligible to take the TEST on may 6... ccb now i'm burning the midnight oil..and also later i'm gonna bring it to work and study till i can pass the 70 qns...

2)RT ... the army training thingie.... i manage to logon to the site to book my RT time....turn out Maju camp is full ..and i cant book le.... so i call Mindef up and ask them to assist me in this..they agree and they will get back to me in 3 days time... hopefully this work out....

3)Reservisit.... well cant change anything here..still on AUG ..but after some incident i feel i should take this like a man and not gonna siam it le.... finish it now ... or risk it haunting u in the future.....

4).................................. not gonna reveal this but at least i learn something from it :) lets see how the future turns out.

5)Reconfirm i will get my 2nd hand Car should i pass all my driving.... trying to nego for a first hand car ..or at least a 25k 2nd hand car... shall see how hehehe

6)i'm going to wear loong sleeve to work .... hahah its been 4 month i did that... i suddenly wanna do it... change of lifestyle abit

I will now only focus my life goal on the above for now .. till everything is done by end of this year... i have set a goal .. i will fullfill it ... no more dragging.. no more thinking ... its Acting.. and oh by the way if looking at here first time .. let me congrat u ... this blog was up since last yr.. but only till "TODAY" i announce to the world..before then .. only a selected few know abt this website :).... i've opened up... its time i enter the real world

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