Monday, April 21, 2008

Soul Searching

Yes.. its 4am..and i couldnt sleep .... maybe i slept too much in the afternoon...then suddenly remember its been a while since i maybe i shall blog since..its been awhile....been doing some soul searching about my life style and my life goal....i can say i'm lagging by quite alot ....maybe i choose to ignore or i choose not to look at it or compare but i guess this term explain it all ... " Time have caught up wif me ....eventually" this term was taken from my friendster ....i guess time will catch up on wadever i do ... though my channel is call #timeless... where time is not of the essence.... guess time is still a factor in all the things we do ...

My goal for this year have changed... to this 3 priority " Driving , RT , Resevisit " This are the top 3 goal i need to do... Driving .. fixed... june no choice die die have to wait.. RT... i will book in on May and hopefully i can finish by it will not crash wif my Resevisit on Aug ...and i wont get charge and fine 150 again by the toopid Army ... or tio DB for 3rd offence....

Life is simple when ur young and when ur not have a care for the world...but as time passes by u see the by not caring ur delaying the inevitiable...especially in Singapore... everything is fast...everything req result and goals to set.... the condition are not suited for this kind of behaviour....but yet i manage to survice till now without much problem...guess i'm really "pro" on not caring....

Recently been thru quite alot it at work , or r/s .. or even game -_- ... i come to understand alot of things i did was kinda right in some way and wrong in the others... right as in .. i give ppl the trust and promise @ work... wrong as in sometime when promising too much u cannot do them all.... so remember... dun promise too much till u cannot fullfill its worest then not promising ....

I also think i'm more like a lone wolf in this world.. i tend to prefer to do thing on my own ..have my own thinking and my own opinion of this world....i do listen to ppl but i seldom do the way they want me to..i got my own idea and my goals to set .it may take longer then others but i make sure i get it done and know what i am doing......

I really hope i can pass thru this year with the top 3 obstacle cleared on my TODO list .... once those 3 are cleared i think i'm ready for a new life....

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