Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back From Genting Trip....

Whoa...i'm finally back from genting from 23-26....but actually it felt like i've been gone for almost a week!....guess i really enjoy my vacation in genting after so long ^_^"
I wont be posting pics up on this blog however i will on my friendster....but those photos are not with me right now so i guess it will be put up next week.....

Here's the summary of what happen on the trip :)
We arrive at boon lay shopping centre at ard 8 to have our dinner at the local kopitiam...after which we went to collect our bus ticket at 5 stars travel agency....then we board the bus and head towards our destination hehe. The bus ride is a 930-335am thingie...we have 2 stop during our trip.. one eat and one toilet trip.....upon reaching First world hotel...we immediately move fast fast to get our que number... 64...then i go up to their casino to have a first look before heading to macdonald to have our breakfast...after our breakfast come the super shag part...its roughly 7am and we can only check in at 12pm...and we r shag to the and my dear...went around looking for places to nap ...we move several places before choosing the lobby to KO ..

After we collect our 12...we went up nap till 3 before going to the theme park to enjoy those ride and photo taking heheh till 630pm,after which we go and have our their famous noodle store.After eating i went up to bath while my dear whom went up with another girl friend of her to casino to play.. after my bath i meet up with the other bunch of peeps and went arcade awhile before going back hotel room for poker night...and my dear and her friend join us after 12am....we play till 1-2+ and after that we went to the casino together again..... and i get my first hand on gambling.... hhehe lost 150 in the process although i manage to win in the beginning 100 :(... but anyway its a good experience...we gamble till 4+ before we call it a night and went KFC to buy some food back to hotel to consume....after which we KO....till 9+ when they call us to go KL...we reject it due to the fact we r too tired/beat to go KL with only 3-6 hr of sleep for the last 2 day!..

We slept till 2pm...then we go out for our brunch.... pizza hut hehe i have cheese pizza and after our brunch..we went shopping around the hotel... i manage to get myself a sweater and T-shirt while she manage to get herself a comfortable shoe....after which we went back hotel to rest while i prepare to go cybercafe when i saw the price for internet gaming is 15 dollar (malaysia money) i went to the cinema get myself 2 ticket for kungfu dunk..... osim seat!....715pm... hehe
I enjoy the entire movie experience..... osim chair massaging while u watch ur movie sooo niceeeeeee.... leg feel relax.....body also hehe...after that we went back to nap 1-2hr before heading out with the grp again for bowling but end up it was we went walk walk outside the hotel then we went back hotel room to play card game etc till 1+ before we head to the casino again....i make my genting world card and slot card there and spend 20 dollar on the jackpot while she look at other ppl gamble while not gambling... heehhe after that we head back and rest cause we need to wake up by 820 for a free breakfast....
Woke up dead beat....have my breakfast in a is the day i go back SG..and its abit dreadful that all good things must come to an end..... after our breakfast..we went back to the room to rest and packup and left the hotel room by 11...and since we got a couple not going back SG yet..we place our luggage at their room and went bowling....2 round ~ i won the first and come in second on the 2nd game :( awww ...after that we rush to take the bus and 2 of them rush to buy brunch as they never had their 820am breakfast due to tireness.....we finally board our bus on 230 and prepare our trip back to SG :(

We bought quite alot of local product during the trip back and talk talk talk talk talk...actually not i talk hehe but i listen from 2pm till 730pm sia!!! omfg long eh hehe exchange num and msn with them before parting....though i went with some of them to have dinner before taking a cab home .....hench end my summary of my trip to Genting after 10+ yr!!

I was naturally happy cause its my first trip after so long and my first visit to genting casino and also my first time i went aboard without parent tagging ( except army ) and also my first time i went oversea with gf and also my first time i really enjoy a vacation oversea trip. I hope i can go aboard soon maybe within this few month again hehee.....blow the coweb out of my normal life..met some new friends etc....and the next trip there i will make sure my luggage weight lighter and hers too !!!! *grumble* hehehe :P

Okie enough of blogging time to go back to reality .... its working day and its only 1048am..haiz..time so slow today......its only wednesday... friday quickly come !!!! ARRGH

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Danger Danger for monkey!

Although i'm always a free spirit and dun really believe in god or wadever...this time i'm kinda "believe" that this year is going to be a very bad year for me aka monkey .....why u may ask... let me list u some example....

Edision is born in 1980 (monkey)..... sex scandal....
Cecilia cheung is born in 1980 (monkey)... sex scandal....
Jessica Simpson born in 1980 ( monkey ) and his ex boyfriend Tony Romo called it quits in his relationship with Simpson because his team lost in the playoffs which put the kibosh on the Cowboy’s bid to play in the Super Bowl
Jerry my fren... gotten sort of demoted back to desktop ...van taken away soon including laptop is born in 1980 ( monkey )
alan ... quited his job after some apparent tries to get into full time ..but fail....throw smoke bomb also born in 1980 ( monkey )

What about me?.... well ...during CNY i lose quite alot in Blackjack is that consider bad luck already or am i still not getting the worest hit yet?.... i dunno.. hopefully i dun get any suey luck during my trip to genting in 3 days time >_< ...

Anyway this is just a small blog for thought....going to off work soon le... and i yet to collect my cabalsea CD.... guess its my only regret before i go Genting ba... leaving wif a heavy heart.....

2008 o.0

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Personality test

Just taken my personality test ...and this is what i gotten ^_^\/

People like you are generally highly observant and totally present in the moment. You're active and adventurous, so you can sometimes be impulsive, even when confronted with danger. You're not interested in regrets, however, if your impulsiveness causes you to make an error. You're a free spirit.
You're very adept socially and easily make friends, especially when people are honest with you. You're talkative and adaptive to people and situations, though you prefer to be casual. You can be logical and calm, but you love to have fun. You've got a great sense of humor, and you're charming whenever you want to be.
You're also quite literal, a practical person who makes good use of your intense curiosity.
Your primary goal in life is the freedom to have fun and to fully experience life in the here and now. Your reward is to be surrounded by people who share your sense of fun and humor.
Good careers for your type include emergency medical technician, corrections officer, security chief, civil engineer, chief engineer, marine biologist, and developer of electronic games.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Vacation Trip ( Genting ) 23-26 feb 2008

Next coming Saturday ( not tomorrow ) i will be going Genting le... it will be my first vacation in 10 year ... not considering the one i went to taiwan with the army ... it gonna be 10 long years since i last touch my passport....and i'm actually looking forward to it cause..
1)can go wif dear
2)a change of surrounding after so long
3)finally my first visit to casino
4)blow away the "web" in my life i have been accumulating
5)one of my fav spot for vacation when i was in my teens

As you can see there are so many reasons i'm happy i'm finally able to go abroad :P, hope my passport is in order when i go to collect tomorrow...:)

Will update more often when i have time ..since i'm not touching any MMORPG lately...sadly i will miss cabal online offical launch since its launch on saturday and i will be at malaysia tat night heheh but i dun think i will take part even if its in singapore..cause the promo launch is at cinelesiure and distribution of the CD is there as well -_-

If ur a regular vistor *hint hint* i have change my name already heheh guess its time:P

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Post CNY

Finally CNY holiday period is over and everyone is back to work *urrgh* ... though monday is really a relaxing day @ work monday blues for me hehe :) got my first angbao @ work place ... 10 buck from yvonne~~ woooo hiak hiak hopefully more will come....

Practically i'm sort of gambling the whole nights of CNY holiday ... from Chu 1 till Chu 4 ... Mahjong , Poker , Daidee , Blackjack ... u name it i tried it.... end up ... i lose like 80+ thru the ordeal ... won from Mahjong but lose alot on Blackjack >_<~~ ..guess i'm more of a mahjong guy then a blackjack guy ba for this year .... i guess i'm suffering from slight gambling phobia due to excessive mahjong and blackjack this year and even online mahjong @ workplace .... wow no wonder my mahjong improve and my blackjack sux hhahaha

And yeah i'm going genting this month... 23-26 with my dear .... gonna be our first oversea trip to genting and my vacation in years... since my taiwan trip in the year 2001/2 with the army ... 6 year never go abroad le.... i guess i'm needing one of this trip to perk myself up....been too tied up to myself for the past few year ..guess i need to loosen up abit and be more open to changes in life.......things are moving up i must learnt to embrace changes and go head on with things head with good stride from now on .... no turning back or escaping this time for me...*hopefully*... been wondering recently the changes and impact that has been happening around me ... friends .... collegues and many other stuffs tat has happen 1-2 year involving me or around me ...and found out that i actually glance thru them without knowing that bit by bit they affect me in a way that i only felt it after a period of is tat funny....
I'm looking forward to the trip hopefully it will change my normal routine and add some spice in my life after tat and that my 10 yr of routine will be edit even slightly .... :)

Right now i'm feeling bored/sleepy/tired even though i slept *quite* early yesterday considering i even have a 2hr+ nap prior my sleep yesterday..guess my body is still not adapt to the normal sleep mode after that CNY period ..hopefully it will clear up by the end of the week ba hehe ...
Just realise i blog quite long today ...consdering that i had not been blogging recently i guess this blog sum up all the things/event that happen during the CNY period and my preception of things recently ...hopefully the next time i blog things will be better and that i will already changes some of the things i hope for :)

Trekker out ~

Monday, February 4, 2008

CNY in 3 days....

Well....CNY is arriving in 3 day time...please to say i'm looking forward to it the usual angbao~and this time i can get at least afew more @ work heehe since all the staff here are auntie and uncle muahaha :X

But sad to say i disappoint moi baby :* ....we couldnt make it in time for the genting due to unforseen problem @work..... dun worry we will make it up in due time ok :( hugzz miss miss wor :) hope to see u tml

Well the good new is my raise is raise ...but only by alittle 80 buck... so now my salary is now 1580 -_- strange amt hor....... then i hope recontract i'm getting a slight improvement in pay and my boss just put in some money in my bank as angbao... i'm not sure its how much yet will check when i'm home and i certainly hope its alot =X hehehe

This month i got alot of movies i would like to see like Cj7 , The mist , rambo 4 , ah long pte ltd , ps i love you , the jumper , Sweeney Todd and maybe kungfu dunk by jay ba... and L the movie so many sia i guess i will download afew of them :P

hehe i go eat KFC le.. one more staff last day auntie wendy ong... she treating everyone KFC heheh i go eat the skin :P