Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Post CNY

Finally CNY holiday period is over and everyone is back to work *urrgh* ... though monday is really a relaxing day @ work ...no monday blues for me hehe :) got my first angbao @ work place ... 10 buck from yvonne~~ woooo hiak hiak hopefully more will come....

Practically i'm sort of gambling the whole nights of CNY holiday ... from Chu 1 till Chu 4 ... Mahjong , Poker , Daidee , Blackjack ... u name it i tried it.... end up ... i lose like 80+ thru the ordeal ... won from Mahjong but lose alot on Blackjack >_<~~ ..guess i'm more of a mahjong guy then a blackjack guy ba for this year .... i guess i'm suffering from slight gambling phobia due to excessive mahjong and blackjack this year and even online mahjong @ workplace .... wow no wonder my mahjong improve and my blackjack sux hhahaha

And yeah i'm going genting this month... 23-26 with my dear .... gonna be our first oversea trip to genting and my vacation in years... since my taiwan trip in the year 2001/2 with the army ... 6 year never go abroad le.... i guess i'm needing one of this trip to perk myself up....been too tied up to myself for the past few year ..guess i need to loosen up abit and be more open to changes in life.......things are moving up i must learnt to embrace changes and go head on with things head with good stride from now on .... no turning back or escaping this time for me...*hopefully*... been wondering recently the changes and impact that has been happening around me ... friends .... collegues and many other stuffs tat has happen 1-2 year involving me or around me ...and found out that i actually glance thru them without knowing that bit by bit they affect me in a way that i only felt it after a period of time...life is tat funny....
I'm looking forward to the trip hopefully it will change my normal routine and add some spice in my life after tat and that my 10 yr of routine will be edit even slightly .... :)

Right now i'm feeling bored/sleepy/tired even though i slept *quite* early yesterday considering i even have a 2hr+ nap prior my sleep yesterday..guess my body is still not adapt to the normal sleep mode after that CNY period ..hopefully it will clear up by the end of the week ba hehe ...
Just realise i blog quite long today ...consdering that i had not been blogging recently i guess this blog sum up all the things/event that happen during the CNY period and my preception of things recently ...hopefully the next time i blog things will be better and that i will already changes some of the things i hope for :)

Trekker out ~

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