Friday, February 15, 2008

Vacation Trip ( Genting ) 23-26 feb 2008

Next coming Saturday ( not tomorrow ) i will be going Genting le... it will be my first vacation in 10 year ... not considering the one i went to taiwan with the army ... it gonna be 10 long years since i last touch my passport....and i'm actually looking forward to it cause..
1)can go wif dear
2)a change of surrounding after so long
3)finally my first visit to casino
4)blow away the "web" in my life i have been accumulating
5)one of my fav spot for vacation when i was in my teens

As you can see there are so many reasons i'm happy i'm finally able to go abroad :P, hope my passport is in order when i go to collect tomorrow...:)

Will update more often when i have time ..since i'm not touching any MMORPG lately...sadly i will miss cabal online offical launch since its launch on saturday and i will be at malaysia tat night heheh but i dun think i will take part even if its in singapore..cause the promo launch is at cinelesiure and distribution of the CD is there as well -_-

If ur a regular vistor *hint hint* i have change my name already heheh guess its time:P

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