Wednesday, May 31, 2023


suddenly i recall i had a blog page like decade ago and guess what.. i decide to type something:) Well times really flies its already 2023 and we just went thru Covid-19 which is definitely something that will appeared in the history book for centuries to come Well nothing much changes..i am still alive, married, working and pretty much gaming as well I'm more of in control of my life now compare to the past but i lack the push to feel happier i guess. Life is boring as Job brought in income needed to survice hence without job i cant live a life i want but in order to do that i need a job abiet boring to make it happen Thinking of travelling again but not sure where i want to go this time.. japan? Korea or back to taiwan for some fried oyster I guess this post is just a simple post to show i'm still alive and kicking and life goes on :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Its been that Long

Yeah .. its been that long since i blog.. happen to suddenly wanna login to blog and update...but unfortunately due to time constraint i can maybe manage afew hundred word? Life have changed once you have your own house and believe it or not ... i'm getting my traditional wedding this coming Sept 13 2015~!... i just want a simple dinner but this dinner cost cost a bomb.... 20k ++ gone haiz... never knew why we need to spend so much to tied us down for a 1 day event >_< .... well if wife happy i can be guarantee some peaceful life i guess its worth it :P I officially move into my new house late Jan and have been staying in here for maybe 6 month plus already. Place is good ( 4 room flat ) i like the rubbish bin scenery outside ( weird i know ) because there is no blockage i can see till jurong island , jurong port and jurong point lol and its very windy at times too I maybe starting to blog again soon seeing i have the urge back also read some of my friends blog... i guess its good to keep some memories so you can remember next time when you look back :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


!pong i'm alive.. but nothing much to post except my house is coming within this few months!.. Finally i am going to own a house of my own....a place of my own... :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Love and hate relationship with my past my present my future

Previously my post was about game and i guess this would be a follow up on what i've been doing in my gaming life at age 30+ For the past 1 month+ i've been playing CS:GO ( Counter-strike:Global Offensive) A type of genre in game i have started playing since 1998. Considering the fact that 15 year have passed since i starting during the beta days (0.7b i think?)Now graphic has been enchanced with mutiple mode of play and with population at all times high its much much more fun then previous time. De Dust , De Dust 2 , De Nuke and Cs Italy all the map.. i can still remember them from my heart how to walk (now with some additional walkway )Its like going back to your hometown after leaving it for 5years.. :P After 1 month of playing CS:GO i can safely say i got back at least 85% of my skills if not more from the past. My sniping skills is "sufficient" for most matches and pub games while my rifle skills still need to improve quite alot. Some of my friends ( Xlranzer/Medic ) ask me to play path of exile yesterday. I downloaded and tried for 1hr + .. seems ok..but long term wise for solo play will be quite boring i guess... i will let my fate walk on its own to see how it lead me to...maybe 10 yrs from now i will be playing another version of CS :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Games post

As anyone who knows me well.. i have yet come to another dead end in my quest to play a "MMORPG". Recent years no games can last more then 6 month of actual gameplay from me. The best being recent year would be Aika (Which i spend close to 2.5k SGD) and Aion ( Which i was banned eventually for gold buying ). Other then that game come and go within 2 months or so. Some may say i fly airplane in many of the games i introduce or play but i beg to defer . 1) Games should be fun... if you start losing interest in it then its time to quit and find greener pasture... however there's was the guild issue. If you played with a bunch of friends.. quiting may cause a ripple effect to all the remaining players as well hence there is this pressure when you play with peers...however... Playing with a guild provide more features and more stuff to do ingame especially you need a party to raid/dungeon or pvp hence playing solo would not be recommended especially MMORPG should be playing with friends not solo in the first place... 2)Why older games are fun? Well have you ever think back those old MMOs u played 5-10 yrs ago...yes u can spend months and even years playing even though the graphic suck..there is no autopathing ... no cashshop and even no youtube guide to do quest on...yet we enjoy it. BUT when u login to play those games now u wont last more then afew hours before uninstalling them.. sometime memories should always be left as a memory ..dun try to relive it... The reason will be that in the "Older" days we are only given 3-5 choice in MMORPG hence every mmorpg during that time have a huge and lively community. Everyone is helping to shape up the mmorpg be it good or bad we gonna live it thru since there is really not much of a choice.. you either play or quit and there wont be much choices out there too.... Nowaday you quit a MMOs you just need to wait for 1-2 month a new one will take its place and the MMORPG markets is now so Saturated that most average MMOs only have a lifespan of 6-9 month (including open betas)Ragnarok online 2 is just one of such game. Most Game hoster will try to milk $$ out of the first 3 month of the game thru Founder Pack or Advance login stuff which can cost anything from 9.99USD to 159.99USD cause they know if they dun milk you for the first 6 month they wont be able to make extra money from you afterward. Anyway i can go on and on but...i'm tired.I'm currently playing TSW ( The Secret World ) alone without guild/cabal this time. I dun think i can last any longer without guild. Without Nightmare dungeon runs i can't really gear up and with everyone running with 10.4 gears and me blues and 10.0 gears...i find no pleasure anymore playing...This is a cruel world. Without dungeon run you can gear up could try PVP...but letting people hit you glyph gears with your non glyph gear is another issue. You dmg may have increase slightly to match everyone but you can't beat someone with unlimited crit and peneration while you hardly crit or pent someone -_-... yeah i guess its time soon too.. Not ranting .. just wanna get something out of my head and make it into a blog so when i'm older and look back at my blog i can imagine that period of time which this comes into my mind to become one of my better memory :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A 20 years ago story i heard and suddenly remember

This is a story i heard from a book which was like 20 yrs ago.... i manage to find the story again and here it is .. :) This is a story about Elfie-the best dog in the whole world. We grew up together, but Elfie grew much faster than I did. I loved resting my head on her warm coat. Then we would dream together. My brother and sister loved Elfie very much, but she was "my" dog. Every day, Elfie and I played together. Elfie loved to chase squirrels and to dig in my mother's flower garden. Sometimes my folks would get angry with Elfie when she would get into mischief. But they still loved her, even when they scolded her. The trouble was, no one told her except me. The years passed quickly, and while I was growing taller and taller, Elfie was growing rounder and rounder. The older Elfie got, the more she slept, and the less she liked to walk. I was getting worried! We took Elfie to the vet, but there wasn't much he could do. "Elfie is just growing old," he said. It soon became too difficult for Elfie to climb the stairs. But she HAD to sleep in my room. I gave Elfie a soft pillow to sleep on, and before we went to sleep I would say to her, "I'll always love you." I knew she understood. One morning I woke up and discovered that Elfie had died during the night. We buried Elfie together. We all cried and hugged each other. My brother and sister loved Elfie a lot, but they never told her so. I was very sad, too, but it helped to remember that I told her every night, "I'll always love you." A neighbor offered me a puppy. I knew Elfie wouldn't have minded, but I said no. I gave him Elfie's basket instead. He needed it more than I did. Someday I'll have another dog, or a kitten or a goldfish. But whatever it is, I'll tell it every night: "I'll always love you."

Friday, March 22, 2013

March already?? oh wait April soon

Wow..this year time really pass fast..before i know it its already April 2013 and i'm already 33 years old... it seems only 1-2 yrs ago i was 29...i guess when you grow older time move faster too.. Well some little update here to keep this blog alive i guess Work So far so good , this is by far the best job i ever had since i started working ( Yes its better then cybercafe job).The only thing i would be complaining would be the distance to travel to work once i've got my own house next year...and i will have to squeeze into MRT or go to work 20min earlier on bus due to the increase in distance to travel !!! Love Life :P Good ^_^ , we go out on weekend for movies , mahjong and food hunt ( wife's favourite ). Although we try to stay at home to save up for our other expensse ( HK,Bali trip) we do try to make our life interesting as we are in our early 30s. Hope our house will be ready next yr March onward so as i can enjoy being owner of a house though i drag to pay for all the bills next time !! -.- ( Will try to persuade parent to live with us and rent out our current house for rental ) Plan for this year Well, mostly be waiting for the Bali trip in july and another Hong Kong trip (unconfirmed date) this yr with a small Genting getaway in between hopefully.Seems in recent years i've always put Genting as one of my getaway. Guess i love gambling and i take abit of my father side of that kind of gene... hopefully not so much gene of that *_*|| I hope to save 10k this year too ( not in the shared account ) as an accomplishment cause previous jobs i wasnt able to save much and i hope with this "new" job i can save more for my future Well enuff update for now.. time to work work work

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mini Update

Its been another while since i last blog.. due to CNY heavy gambling weeks haha...overall this year is a good year my winning is in the hundred :) Planned my leave today 5 days in july for bali trip .. and 1 day for my wife's jay chou concert -.- really wish can sell off the ticket for a 100% profit..but i guess.. wife really wanna go enjoy $$ fly away~~~~~ With the recent white paper ruling and tight car can only wonder why are there still people still voting for them! CCB.. i guess there are just too many rich people in Singapore therefore the votes are always there.. hopefully by 2016 the votes are so diluted yet and we can kick their buttock high high till they listen to us Singaporean instead of dollar and cents. Guess this is a very small update... will update once i got time ^_^ cheerios

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Finally its Christmas eve...but i'm still working!! (8am-1pm) half day though. Although i wish i am not working but i have nothing to do at home anyway might as well work and take the friday off since thursday is the launch of Ragnarok online 2 Time pass really fast and only recently i've began blogging more regularly.Hopefully this will maintain and my special private diary is still updated although the diary is nearing full since 1986... till now.Come to think of it...i've not updated my diary for an aweful long period of time..maybe this coming wednesday i will update it My resolution for 2013 will be getting a pay rise and having a relaxing pro-active work life balance life be it at work or personal life =) If all goes well i may be an owner of a HDB by the end of the year as well! Its hard imagining only 5 years ago i was a guy with hardly any saving (i still am! ) , no life motiviation , no future planning nor even thinking of getting a wife that now suddenly i've so much things to look forward to. I guess we really have to grew up and that those responbility eventually be it early in life or later in life Well 2013 is coming and we avoided the end of the yeah life goes on and i will try to make the best of it ^_^ \/ Still the CutiePie Trek from 1980-2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas and New year is coming

Time is moving faster and faster...before you know it 2013 is almost here ( Although we are not sure if we can pass dec 21 yet ) Its like only 6 month since i quited gucci or 7-9 month since i last habasit but its more then 1 year since i quit habasit and more then 11 month since i left gucci.... Life is pretty all right..and its like....only last month since i went Hong Kong, however what i really miss was Taiwan. I love the people there and i miss the food there and i miss the Vacation there!. I will wish to go there again with friends on my next trip Christmas is coming and i'm yet to figure out where to bring my wife to go happy the past Genting was always the easy way out enjoying cool air and casino on the mountain...but this year we were unable to book genting and due to my wire tight schedule with so many of her friends ROM + 21st bday etc. plus the fact we went HongKong during july..we will be staying in Singapore. Maybe.. a nice Dinner at some posh place ba..or a nice movie with sofa seat again hehe.. Recently i'm in a recluse gaming stage..and i'm very honest to say i am waiting for a new mmorpg to keep me entertain...which i believe will be Ragnarok online 2 since its new and everyone start same lvl which give me the incentive to start playing whereas TSO people already have 2.5 month edge over me since i quited since sept and its now Free to Play. I hope my next post will be before New year..i notice i started to blog less since the beginning of this year ever since i change job. I believe my lifestyle have dramactially changed hence my blogging lifestyle or it simply mean i am bored of Blogging... =) All in all just wanna wish anyone or any googlebot/yahoobot Merry Chistmas and a happy new year!