Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Finally its Christmas eve...but i'm still working!! (8am-1pm) half day though. Although i wish i am not working but i have nothing to do at home anyway might as well work and take the friday off since thursday is the launch of Ragnarok online 2 Time pass really fast and only recently i've began blogging more regularly.Hopefully this will maintain and my special private diary is still updated although the diary is nearing full since 1986... till now.Come to think of it...i've not updated my diary for an aweful long period of time..maybe this coming wednesday i will update it My resolution for 2013 will be getting a pay rise and having a relaxing pro-active work life balance life be it at work or personal life =) If all goes well i may be an owner of a HDB by the end of the year as well! Its hard imagining only 5 years ago i was a guy with hardly any saving (i still am! ) , no life motiviation , no future planning nor even thinking of getting a wife that now suddenly i've so much things to look forward to. I guess we really have to grew up and that those responbility eventually be it early in life or later in life Well 2013 is coming and we avoided the end of the yeah life goes on and i will try to make the best of it ^_^ \/ Still the CutiePie Trek from 1980-2012

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