Monday, September 30, 2013

Games post

As anyone who knows me well.. i have yet come to another dead end in my quest to play a "MMORPG". Recent years no games can last more then 6 month of actual gameplay from me. The best being recent year would be Aika (Which i spend close to 2.5k SGD) and Aion ( Which i was banned eventually for gold buying ). Other then that game come and go within 2 months or so. Some may say i fly airplane in many of the games i introduce or play but i beg to defer . 1) Games should be fun... if you start losing interest in it then its time to quit and find greener pasture... however there's was the guild issue. If you played with a bunch of friends.. quiting may cause a ripple effect to all the remaining players as well hence there is this pressure when you play with peers...however... Playing with a guild provide more features and more stuff to do ingame especially you need a party to raid/dungeon or pvp hence playing solo would not be recommended especially MMORPG should be playing with friends not solo in the first place... 2)Why older games are fun? Well have you ever think back those old MMOs u played 5-10 yrs ago...yes u can spend months and even years playing even though the graphic suck..there is no autopathing ... no cashshop and even no youtube guide to do quest on...yet we enjoy it. BUT when u login to play those games now u wont last more then afew hours before uninstalling them.. sometime memories should always be left as a memory ..dun try to relive it... The reason will be that in the "Older" days we are only given 3-5 choice in MMORPG hence every mmorpg during that time have a huge and lively community. Everyone is helping to shape up the mmorpg be it good or bad we gonna live it thru since there is really not much of a choice.. you either play or quit and there wont be much choices out there too.... Nowaday you quit a MMOs you just need to wait for 1-2 month a new one will take its place and the MMORPG markets is now so Saturated that most average MMOs only have a lifespan of 6-9 month (including open betas)Ragnarok online 2 is just one of such game. Most Game hoster will try to milk $$ out of the first 3 month of the game thru Founder Pack or Advance login stuff which can cost anything from 9.99USD to 159.99USD cause they know if they dun milk you for the first 6 month they wont be able to make extra money from you afterward. Anyway i can go on and on but...i'm tired.I'm currently playing TSW ( The Secret World ) alone without guild/cabal this time. I dun think i can last any longer without guild. Without Nightmare dungeon runs i can't really gear up and with everyone running with 10.4 gears and me blues and 10.0 gears...i find no pleasure anymore playing...This is a cruel world. Without dungeon run you can gear up could try PVP...but letting people hit you glyph gears with your non glyph gear is another issue. You dmg may have increase slightly to match everyone but you can't beat someone with unlimited crit and peneration while you hardly crit or pent someone -_-... yeah i guess its time soon too.. Not ranting .. just wanna get something out of my head and make it into a blog so when i'm older and look back at my blog i can imagine that period of time which this comes into my mind to become one of my better memory :)

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