Thursday, September 15, 2011


Wow..its been more then 3 month since i last blog... i must be getting lazy hehe..but well no denying it.. i have lost the motiviation to blog already. Maybe cause there's nothing new left for me to blog or rants . All have been say and maybe the recent months that nothing else matters anymore.However with my final motiviation i had now.. i will attempt to update some of the stuff that happen in this 3 month and also what's gonna happen soon!

1)Tony Tan is our President.... wtf.. yea...but live with it for the next 6 yr and believe me he is going for 2nd term

2)Finally got my HDB flat and paid 2k deposit..for it :) Its near Chinese Garden. Corperation Tiara.I wonder the reason i got that last unit is because of my ranting on my blog prior GE 2011...hmmm after i rant on my blog about how f*** up Mr Mah is ..and with my personal name below... 1 week later i got the letter saying i'm selected for this special unit should i take.. o.0 . Even when paying for the 2k Deposit the lady was susprise i apply so many time and that i was select for that unit as well... hmmm... this are things that make u go hmmmm...

3)I've offically Tendered my job with "NetIQ" Its time to move on after 4 years...i submited my resignation on Aug 16...but was asked to help out till Oct 7...(shld be sept 16) but i guess my heart with Habasit was strong enuff to help Habasit thru the transition period till Oct 7 .. hopefully the new guy who replace me will be good enuff for Habasit

4)I'm going Taiwan tomorrow for 1 week~! Long lost Vacation since 2005 i think...its been really long since i went for a far away Vacation,hopefully this vacation will be a good one.. i really need a long vacation after so long...:)

There you have it.. the stuff thats on my mind for the pass few months ..nothing much..just simple life...and yeah i quitted mmorpg again... (4th times?) sighz.. really i need to really quit MMORPG i'm getting too old for it... maybe when i hit 60s ++ i can get back to mmos when i'm damm free...

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