Friday, April 29, 2011

Today my tears drop

Yes i drop my tears in my office after reading/watching all the post /vidz and comment on the upcoming GE 2011... i never expect i would drop tears but those post those speech and those vidz really stur up my emotional feeling...

To those who are in the early 30s, the feeling is the same as the malaysian Cup when singapore win kedah 2-1 in the last match of the 1990s.. you feel PRIDE and Real Happiness when we won the malaysian cup.... but sad to say i cant say anything nice about the recent S-league + the disbanned of the S-league or Foreign Talent team??

To all Fellow Singaporean...Please.. Vote for your future and your children..dun be brain wash by promise for a better future that will magically occur in 5-10 years... and when the 5-10 years comes... they will give u reason of econmic blah blah and ask us endure with them for another 5-10 yr for Even better changes...


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