Wednesday, April 27, 2011

GE 2011 : Singapore ( PAP vs Opposition & Singaporean)

This is the first time i'm allowed to vote after 30 yr of living in singapore.
This also is my first election blog too

Singaporean can make a difference this year during this GE:2011 The Current Government has put too much effort on the nation growth and also the mass influx of Foreign workers is having a toll on the average income owners

Why support the Opposition? or rather why support the PAP?

If you are rich vote for the PAP why? they make you richer
If you are poor should know the opposite effect..the ying and yang... if there are ppl becoming rich..some must become poorer

Am i ranting? YES i am!

How is like to be an "Average income earner who earn just slightly above 2k" to able to survice in Singapore?

-- Housing.. Mr Mah promises affordable housing to every singaporean.. Fine! ok i EVEN accept that EXPENSIVE price as affordable.. a 4 room flat for 265k no reno .. 30 yr loan.. but WTF man.. I BTO 5 TIME and all 5 TIME i dun even get a fucking queue except one out of 5 time i got a 600 que number. You promise "affordable" housing and you never say anything about quanity.To be honest. Lets look at this in this format .
1)Live within Parent +1 or +2 more ballot chance
2)Newly wed - +2 or 3 more ballot chance
3)+1 chance for every failure

First try with 4 vote fail
second try with 5 vote fail
Third try with 6 vote fail
Fourth try with 7 vote fail but with que number of 600++ ( slot avaliable 200+)
Fifth try with 8 vote fail

So unless i'm mistaken. This sound right??.First you influx the entire nation with cheap labours claiming they help us built roads and building..fine i'm ok with that.. then those "skilled one keep coming one by one" u say we need foreign skill workers to teach us ok.. fine.. then before you know it... secondary sch are fill with foreign teachers... hawker centers ....bascially the service sector.. then what happen? Our Customer service level DROPPED. You blame us (native singaporean) for this problem. Those Foreign workers and skilled workers need place to stay so they start buying /renting our HDB and condos and especially for those richer one.. they can pay up to 30-40% more for a furnish HDB/condos.. this is what fucking raise our HDB price...

During the early one really bothers.. Roads are not that congested.. MRT are decent..Walkpass are clean and well maintain..Singaporeans are contented and happy.HDB are cheap.. 3room 170k , 4room 210k 5room 270k in the early 2000s

Fast forward to 2011, MRT are full to the brim, and sometime u can hardly differnciate if they are singaporean or FT..(Try Joo koon Mrt ).Roads are always jam..Walkpass are fill with litters or ppl sitting near there to eat.People are not so happy now espcially the heartlanders...

Sometime i think to Singapore the best place to be ..i will still say Yes...
Singapore is safe
Singapore food are nice

beside that i can't really find anything better to say liao. Everything is so expensive here... and i refuse to believe our ministers are pay millions anually just because they can "approve/disapprove" on a piece of paper and us citizen will have to obey if not we pay and pay to their pocket.1 minister pay can help 200-300 needy elderly... yet they put those donation on MRT/Bus to ask us average singaporean to help out.. those fucking rich ministers and businessman no need to lay a fucking hand since you dun see advertisement/donation asking u to donate on the road because all of them are fucking driving.YOG can overspend million..those money can help out those needy for at least 5 years yet he can spend it all in a heartbeat and smile...seriously....without someone to check/oversee what they are doing bascially i can sum it up

A : I devise a plan that can help us get richer and also keep us in the limelight
A's superior: Oh good how u intend to go about doing that
A : Host YOG , connect with the youngsters ,spend money making it like a super major event , invite singers and actor from diff countries. let them know we care for our future generation since GE is just around the corners!
A's superior: Excellent plan! how much will it cost us?
A : Actually alot ..but its a win win situation for us *smile*
A's superior : hmm ok i approve of it!

If there is a B inside the chat..things might have change...

A : I devise a plan that can help us get richer and also keep us in the limelight
B : Lets hear it
A's superior: Oh good how u intend to go about doing that
A : Host YOG , connect with the youngsters ,spend money making it like a super major event , invite singers and actor from diff countries. let them know we care for our future generation since GE is just around the corners!
A's superior: Excellent plan! how much will it cost us?
B: This sound really expensive, the money can be used to further our healthcare,elderly
A:Yeah but this will provide us the publicity we need
A's Superior : hmm i have to think about it
B : We should really consider the cost to host such event.This will be very costly ppl might be against it we should do more research first..
A'sSuperior : Ok lets discuss this again next time

See... if there's someone there to give a different opinion ..things would have change.. and IMAGINE if B is a superior...things will be even different... We need 2 government ..not just one... even a coin have both side..... 2011 is the time of change with so many countries having radicial changes in their government. So why shouldnt Singapore change as well?

Foot note : to be honest.. i gain nothing yet lose alot from their rules and i will definately wanted changes...even if its a gamble i'm willing to give all for this gamble... Changes be it good or bad are better then the current situation that i'm going thru...

If ur a PAP who are watching this blog let it be known that you lost my first ever vote just because of the things u promises but never delievered

1)Cheap avaliable housing - Bullshit 5 BTO already still cannot get + i am going to slave 30 yr to pay for the house and total empty of my CPF.. you call that cheap avaliable housing _|_ u

2)Good Transportation - Try taking MRT to work from jurong east and tell me if thats good..sometime we need to wait 2-3 MRT before we can even Squeeze in..and yes i see u built one more line..but unfortunately our MRT are broking down every month and their reply is always due to a train fault... i guess most singaporean who take MRT can relate to that!

3)Housing/lift Upgrade project - Nice to listen but some ppl dunno is you need to pay for it! 800+ more if u wan a life to stop at every floor.. imagine the other hidden cost for other upgrade project...and yes u say u can vote no..but if u garner 75% yes u still go ahead...there is no subsise for this kind of bullcrap

4)cheap affordable medicial bills via medisavee - The 8 dollar bill by that minister is a farking lie.If you can earn alot of $$. Surely your medisave acc will be big as well as with your CPF and whatever preimun insurance u sign up..hence you can get those reduction. If you are poor... try having 8 dollar bill.. alot of such stuff is case by case..yet YOU make it seems everyone can do that... sure if we earn more then 10k a month

There are many more points..but this blog is getting too lengthy..hence i will end it here.. I hope Opposition can take up 10-15 seat in this general election i will be celebrating if this happen

From a truely disgrunted ranting 30 yr old guy who after 5 BTO still cant get his flat

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