Monday, January 4, 2010

Its 2010's first day of work !

Yup 2010 is here..... and today is monday...first day @ work on 2010.....look quiet @ work but i hope things are as fine as it is hiccup!! i wan my first day of 2010 at work to be fine!!

Things to look pass 2009-2010

1)Offically Drove/Own a Car for a year (31 dec 08 bought my car)
2)i'm offically 30 yr old under english calender :( but 29++ if going by the book
3)Im Still as cute as i'm 20 yr ago

Things to look forward to 2010 - Future

1)Unlimited driving on Saturday (Starting feb when SG rule allow OPC car to drive on sat without restriction )
2)More Vacation with GF
4)Housing of our own

Hehe...hope future is well for me....well thats about it..just ate lasi lemak damm full now...burp.... off to work bb

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