Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Wow...before you know it ..we are in the 2nd week of 2010 liao...really fast hor the time...CNY is coming....which mean Mahjong season is here...... at here i'm gonna post something which alot of ppl is asking but i did not give a definite answer ..only those who read here will know

here goes...

YES i quit AION...but no i did not tell anyone .. i mearly say i'm taking break....why?...well bascially i'm bored...yup bored...of it

Other then that i'm looking forward to this weekend friday spending wif gf for a movie although i know she wont be free this sat as she is going out whole day and sunday gonna go her house fix pc

Life is okok for now...and time to save money liao for other stuff and vacation... :)

OK nothing else to post for now this was meant to be a closesure post for AION anyway...BB

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