Monday, July 27, 2009

First time i post a full song without post

時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴被反鎖

情書再不朽 也磨成沙漏青春的上游

白雲飛走蒼狗與海鷗閃過的念頭 潺潺的溜走

命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默

一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆

回憶如困獸 寂寞太久而漸漸溫柔

放開了拳頭 反而更自由

慢動作 繾綣膠捲 重播默片 定格一瞬間

我們在 告別的演唱會 說好不再見

*你寫給我 我的第一首歌

你和我 十指緊扣 默寫前奏可是那然後呢

還好我有 我這一首情歌輕輕的 輕輕哼著 哭著笑著我的 天長地久*

命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆

回憶如困獸 寂寞太久而漸漸溫柔放開了拳頭 反而更自由

長鏡頭 越拉越遠 越來越遠 事隔好幾年

我們在 懷念的演唱會 禮貌的吻別

陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌

捨不得 短短副歌 心還熱著也該告一段落

還好我有 我下一首情歌生命宛如 靜靜的 相擁的河永遠 天長地久

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Very Listless Month..

Yeah suddenly feeling boring and tired ..i dunno whats wrong..maybe lack of sleep and having bascially nothing to do make me feel that way ba...the only thing i have to look forward to is my GF's birthday next month ..and nothing else..oh and maybe the long weekend...also ba..

Suddenly i feel like travelling aboard again haha despite just finishing a 3 day 2 night chalet.... >_< .... hopefully i might get to do that at the end of the year ba hehe...see how ba..

Time is passing so slow today .. hopefully 6pm come soon..if not i gonna KO

Friday, July 17, 2009

Synergy 8000

I'm now a offical fan of Synergy 8000 fuel...after 6 month of top up...Synergy 8000 give the best raw power for my car ( Picanto ) therefore i will help them advertise abit here hahaha....=p

Chalet is today!!! will be working 1/2 day today and going to Costa Sand Downtown east for 3 day 2 night chalet :)

nothing much to post..sad dearie leg is fracture and cant join me..i really wish she was here on friday though she promise she will come on saturday :) i will be waiting hehee

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Nothing to post recently and i know i've not been posting much....cause seriously theres nothing to post ..maybe except the upcoming chalet on friday...which is 3 days from now...:/

So sian....

Monday, July 6, 2009


It was suspose to be very super long post as i planned it yesterday night when i'm about to sleep..but now... i suddenly forgot what i want to blog about... *mind total blank*

Anyway today im back to work (was on urgent leave on friday) and well habasit is pretty much the same ...nothing really change..still same old job..same old ppl and same old pay...i guess its pretty stale if you say but i have no choice now.. i need to maintain it till end of the yr....

Oh yeah suddenly i remember vividly some of the stuff i want to post... recently i've been driving much more often maybe 30% more then usual ..but still on fri-sun and abit of driving on weekday evening to meet gf for dinner...therefore i feel much more confident in navigating in ulu places or places i drag to go i.e East side and city area..where the traffic is crazy compare to our quiet West side...i'm still thinking if i should drive to my friend ROM on thursday at orchard area.. 20 dollar sticker + ERP charges = eeeep $$ and the ang bao .. oh god.. KO

I should be planning a chalet next week 17-19 july since its been ages i attended last chalet was like ... 2007?? so i am hopping to have one this month since i am really running out of places to go and with H1N1 ... i doubt travelling is a valid option now..

Personal life wise... im still on the "OK" side as i am having slightly better sleep now and slightly better lifestyle..still need to change more though.. but i need time.. .>_< and time is not a luxury i have now...

I really really cannot think of those long post i wanna post yesterday night arrgh :( .. guess no choice i end up my post here... will update if i remember ...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Favourite members of former morning musume

was listening to their songs again ... and as of now they are in their 8th generation of singers -_-... but still i prefer ( and only listen to ) 4th and 5th generation circa 2001- late 2004 songs so and i kinda like a few of their singers mainly

安倍なつみ - Natsumi Abe
矢口真里 -Mari Yaguchi
石川梨華 - Rika Ishikawa
吉澤ひとみ - Hitomi Yoshizawa
辻希美 - Nozomi Tsuji
加護亜依 - Ai Kago
高橋愛 - Takahashi ai
紺野あさ美 - Asami Konno
後藤真希 - Goto Maki
新垣里沙 - Risa Niigaki

I may leave out afew favourite but the problem is there are 8 generation of them and every generation have 10-14 members..and some members are cross generation i.e from Generation 3 till 5 or Generation 2 till 4 etc.. so its really really very hard to find their name and since when they were taken when they are 2001-2004 they are only 14-19 yr old and now in 2009 they have matured and their looks changed making it even harder to find their updated info -_-