Monday, April 6, 2009

Things to think about

Recently ..hmm actually for almost 1 month i've been taking Mrt to Joo Koon and have been seeing this advertisement with this motto "It doesn't matter how slow you get there, as long you don't stop - Confucius

For the past 2-3 week i don't really pay attention to it even though i saw it bascially every working day ..but recently when i saw this advertisement it get me thinking...the reason behind this philosophy.. If you never stop you will eventually reach your destination ( goal in life )

For me despite i am starting to hate my job.. i will endure till better offer comes or i got a new job..cause if u stop your earning then everything in ur life will eventually halt as well...

Well recently there's nothing much to post ( except the starhub saga ) and oh i might be going to Bintan this coming may holiday to enjoy abit..its been awhile since i go aboard time to relax abit.. maybe my mood for work will return ....haiz

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