Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Bloggiest Blog

I know there isn't a word call bloggiest..but i guess i am bored and extremely tired to think of alternative words...i mearly just type out whatever comes into mind right now...

Last Friday i went to KL for a 1/2 day trip exploring with my gf and her friends..its been 15 yr since my last visit and i must admit i finally "update" myself on this trip and i got a hair cut at Reds salon with a wash for 33 ringgit..which is quite cheap hehe and we watched confession of a shopaholic at the cinema there too~ at a 50% discount price compare to singapore..this make me realise singapore standard of living is way too farking high compare to malaysia.Its like doubling your cash if you live in Malaysia..urrgh but then again Singapore has that secure looks so.. pros and cons yet again......

Recently in WOW .. i hit 80 (yippy) but pvp wise with crappy items and non-instance eq..its really harsh and after doing some research Mage make up less then 10% of the entire WOW population which sort of make me feel mage is sucky thats why not much people use them. This is based on my 2 month worth of playing since feb 17...and yes i only have 2 month worth of playing time.. not like some ppl who played WOW since its launched....Now i'm training a new char ( Warlock ) hopefully it breath some hope for me and fix problems and put whats wrong to right ...this time

I'm quite looking forward for my bintan trip wif my gf and my lesbian female "sis" 3 of us will be staying in one room to cut cost due to economic crises and budget..its gonna be a 2 day 1 night stay and i needed the vacation..though i prefer a 5 day 4 night taiwan or hongkong trip..this will have to wait till maybe end of the year as it take time to plan all this but i really hope to travel on plane to somewhere far again after so many years...even a cruise of 2-3 day is fine with me too~...or i even take Genting trip too!!! arrgh

Recently i've been getting more and more restless maybe due to lack of sleep and misc issue i think i lose abit of weight too...though the "weight" is still there but i can sense at least 2-3kg of weight is gone...as i've been skipping lunch for nap time at work.. issue at work is always ongoing.. solving one problem will have another problem pop out after solving the current one... haiz..when will it ever end..i really need 1 month of break to sort out my life...as in get my health,motiviation,emotion and life back to normal.. its way to abnormal now.. i need 7 hr of sleep and i've been getting less then 5hr daily for the past few months!

I'm looking forward to any excursion on weekend :) Me and my Gf will be happy to oblige...as we are getting tired of finding new place to go..and our solution is to travel aboard for now hahaa...

16 days more till bintan..and hopefully during this 16 day...nothing goes wrong i.e work or health issue pop up!!

I want to enjoy my life.....>_< and i wan more time to sleep.....

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