Monday, April 20, 2009

10 more days

Yup as topic stated 10 more days i will be going to bintan with my gf and my lesbian sis "Liping" the ahyoyo teacher... she will be going there to teach the people there on how to be a lesbian while me and my gf will be there to swim and relax our day...

its my first time to bintan and i hope its gonna be great trip.. i will be wearing bikini and puting on sun block awww.. i sound like a little girl going on a field trip :P .. anyway i just wish to get out of singapoe again since i only do that few week ago and its only 1/2 day worth :(

Due to recent event i'm happy to say i gain extra time to rest due to cutting on mmorpg for the 5th or 6th time for the past few year(4?) sighz... the spirit is willing the flesh is weak..guess i'm bored of WOW now....which is good as i revert back to conventional rts like CS , Dota and sudden attack... which this 3 game are less of a headache to my time management..finally i'm FREE!

I seriously hope the weekend come soon(although today is monday)as i wish the vacation to start ASAP... urrgh i'm getting BORED

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