Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Yes the title is sian... i'm totally shag out this month due to alot of stuff..and i'v been dropping quite alot of hair recently due to lack of sleep oh no ... :( hopefully things will be better and i will go back to my original lifestyle that i hold dearly ...

The stupid Starhub saga continues.....a month ago i posted abt been charged 4k for handphone bill ..the starhub customer service person (Natasha) promise me it will check for me in 4 day time.. then 2 week..then now 1 month have pass..still no answer..and to add salt to it i recieved billing letter informing me i havent pay my last month pay and also SMS too .. WTF!!! Fuck u Starhub , please get your facts right before billing me.. your customer service informed me i wont be billed or phone cut before this issue is resolved and from the looks of it i dun think this is going to happen!! My last words for Starhub "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" if you dun resolve this i am going to jump to Singtel thats it!

oops..seem this post is all about scolding starhub..well yeah suddenly go the urge hehe anyway nothing much recently except some nice movies thats good to see ..( Race to witch mountain ) i havent see watchman yet hopefully i got a chance to try it out...

thats all for now ..ciaoz

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