Monday, March 23, 2009


Yoz diary .. hmm dunno why but somehow i keep thinking this is my diary except this is not my personal diary... hehe... anyway i just recently gone to Expo for the Adidas fair and my dearie bought me a jacket + shoe hehe muack thanks...the crowd is insane there... lucky we go there before the fair open at 10.40am (11am open)therefore we are the first batch in .. while others have to wait 15-30min before they are allowed to go in ...whew hehe and we caught a movie after that Mall cop which is funny and i recommend those who love comedy to go catch it ^_^ \/

On a damm irriating note .. everyone who know i have a bad time with's round 2 .. on feb they charge me a whopping 4.1k bill which i already complain..on the march bill they follow up with another whopping bomb of 2k .. bringing my starhub bill to 6.4k woohoo Starhub really dunno what they thinking.... i already send my official complaint letter on last friday and give the CSO a call too .. hope they can resolve this issue ..if not i gonna go CASE to let them handle my case and i will switch my handphone to Singtel liao ..cant believe they still continue to charge me so much and when i already complaint and never even touch the GEE liao..special thanks to Dixie for helping me out write out a very "powderful" english to starhub :)

Well today is monday...the stupid Secretary of the company step on my tail today....apparently after 2 week of buying food at 1 dollar discount.. which is less then 3 times considering i only order once per week she mention i am not eligible for the special discount and to think i keep helping her open mail, distribute mails all those sai stuff for her.. she can easily change my name to someone else who is not ordering..but no..she just tell me i cannot liao..very good... next time if she ask me do her job i just on the spot tell her this is not my jobscope get someone to do her fucking bloody job... apparently old ppl don't understand the term you scratch my back and i scratch u all old ppl out there.. pls fucking learn just because ur old doesnt mean you don't have to use own brain and your only 40+ ..i can't imagine how you brought up your kids to be..

Anyway yes i am emo today so don't step on my tail today..all will be well when i reach my house at 7pm then i will change to my anti-emo mode till 2am..other then that watch it!

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