Friday, January 2, 2009


Yup its 2009... my first post for this year...there gone the 2008...and when i think back 2008...2008 pass by real fast.....guess as u ages...the year passes even faster....i can still remember wad i did during my primary sch ..and secondary school..heck i even remember my first day of kindergarden... i was pulledd into the class crying along with 2-3 other kids while the other kids look on .. yeah.... now i feel paiseh..but i wasnt during that time....hehe ...those are the dayz eh..

Well here's some of the update i have for myself during this few 5 days i my previous post i mention i gotten myself a car :)... after this few days of semi-driving ... my driving have slightly improve and i can park a car farely well now...with the exception of a 1-2 redo..if not usually one time can go in.. but hahah the passenger sometime will have problem coming out if i park too much to the left =x paiseh!!

Now my Map ( driving experience ) include driving to
-Shingo/Aspig house
-My dearie House
-My own House
-Telecom's kopitiam

haha....thats all i can do for now... i hope in the months to come i got the courage to drive to shopping mall's carpark and also the high lvl Orchard area hehe

Ok beside driving.. on the eve...we went to shingo's house for pizza and mahjong..and 1-2 movies...till 2am++ as dearie is tired...we move off earlier for home...then dota one rd then orr orr liao

Aside from that.. i would like to review a movie i watch yesterday with my dearie ...."7 Pounds"
Its a movie by will smith and my review is 8/10 This movie might seem boring to the "cheena" or any one who isnt that sentimental at heart cause of this couple of things.. This show have no/little
However..this movie have lots of
-Sentimental issue that touches heart

Though the Cons outweight the Cons..the Storyline is may not understand the storyline in the beginning..stick with it till the end.. you will understand whats so good about it ... i was quite the story at the end when he end his life for ....... ( not gonna say watch the movie yourself ) Go catch it this weekend...its worth it if ur an english speaking sentimental person

Well..weekend is coming...i hope i have more driving experience..and hopefully drive my way to orchard in 1 month time .. cya all muack

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