Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Today is the day

Yes...i admit i'm excitied..even for me...i'll be getting my car today...Kia Picanto~ it will be my first Car....my baby (sort of) and yes i will mod it ..in the months to come when i have the extra $$ ...which during this time i will try to get accustom to the driving world....check it out guys!! the Cutiepie is in da house!! =p

Gonna be taking a 3 hour early release thanks to kenneth gan for letting me go pick up my car early so i can have a final check before the car is drove out of the dealer's shop at ubi (far!!!)

My promise/wishes have been met for the year of 2008...i'm contented for this year... though this year have its up and down...but all in all it turn out pretty ok at the end...with most of the stuff have their ends settle...,2009 will begin shortly and i hope it will be fun/exciting/lucky for me ... the only thing left unresolved is my Reservist.... if thats settle as well i will definately be passing 2to 2009 as a happy monkey ~ ^_^

I would like to say thanks to those who stood by me when i ..against all odds get my car :) u know who u gays and lesbians are :)
I would like to thank mom for the extra support she give me at the end...
Last of all i would like to thanks everyone again :)

I will be posting about the ride soon... if i live long enough to tell the tales :) ...hahahah

Bye Byeeee

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kia Picanto

Yes after weeks of preparation etc... i just bought a 2nd hand OPC Kia Picanto its a blue color picanto

The cost of the car is 12k.. nego down from 13.8k ..by jerry hahha thx....insurance is a whopping 2.4k ..for first timer... and 337 transfer fee... so around 14k++ nearing 15k spend .... big lump sum of money gone just like that..but i'm happy that now the motorist in singapore can see a cute "Trekker" on the road liao.... singapore road will be more cuter wif me around

People i like to thanks and in advance too

Dearie - For buying me GPS when i got my car
Jerry - For driving me around + nego price and check the spec for me
Liping - For buying me the street directory + mirror + P plate

And many more for give me pointers and suggestion ^_^

Last but not least... i admit i not good driver since so long no drive liao after passing TP ...give me time and i show u singapore drift~~~ =p

Monday, December 22, 2008

-Updated Song-

Hi Guys and Gals, lesbian and gays... i just updated my song .. hope u guys like it:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Belated Update..

Yes its a very belated update i promise i will update on Andy Lau concert..but end up ..so many days have pass....ok here's the review on that concert.. its was great... for a guy who dun go to concert much ... i must admit the vibe and environment is very nice... the indoor stadium was fully packed ( sold out concert ) and they give free light stick for us to wave ard hehe and sweets too...and some FOC ring tones to download via net..but i throw it away hehe i only keep the light stick since got the word Andy Lau 2008 concert... then the big Nokia below -_- ... Andy lau give his best on this concert....the 2 girl he dance with ...well they are pretty....and i dun anyhow say a girl pretty one .. usually i say okok or normal lo... so u can imagine la haha ..and no.. they dun have big boob ....i'm a boob man but those are arent big also....so yeah i especially like the part of the 1930 shanghai part..with the song etc...especially the play(sketch in the 1930s during japanese war) if u miss it..u can wait for the DVD out)Me and my Gf enjoy it alot...then we take the indoor stadium direct bus home... 2 dollar per trip :)

Other then that..i went to the new jurong point building...not bad..damm crowd though...guess the west side is starting to get better and better then the east liao...and JEC aka Jurong entertainment centre is also getting a revamp for 1 yr.. adding one more floor and changing of the entire shaw cinema as well..so yeah~~ no more ppl saying jurong east is crappy~~ hehehe =x

Last update also a important update..i'm getting a car... by my own...i should be happy..but i'm not ... cause its.. a OPC Chery QQ....some may ask wtf.. why a QQ...MIC car.. lousy crap etc...well i've no much comment on this except the fact is i just need a weekend car to get me from Point A - B during weekend ...and i wont be using it much on weekdays anyway once in a blue moon maybe? so i dun see a point getting a expensive car so such light travel...Take Cab la! this is some of my frens respond well...i promise myself a car...and since Chery QQ is still affordable to my salary unlike Suzuki swift ..hundai getz or even a picanto...and although i can afford a kelisa but i really cannot stand the outlook of the car despite its reliability compare to a QQ. Btw this car will have zero support from my parents...due to unexpected stock crash..(they lose quite alot) and some unforseen problem tat cock up recently ..so it will be handle by me alone. Its time for me to take up some responsibility

This blog will always be alive...just that i'm sleepy this few week..i will always blog ehehe cya all muack~

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Assorted update..

Well well well ..its been quite a while since i last update my blog :P .. mainly because i'm trying to get my perfectworld char to hit lvl 90... 1 more level !!...so yeah... 2 more day i guess to reach that level or maybe 3 *cries*

Oh and in 2 day time i will be going for Andy Lau's concert at Singapore Indoor stadium....i never knew why concert cost so much ( 181 dollar per tix ) so friday is a good chance for me to understand this hehehe and yeah i'm going wif my gf on this

Work wise....dull and boring...yeah i know i know....noting to look forward to at work....shag and beat due to the first part of the post ....need more rest but couldnt find the time

Well for now i'm just too shag to type anymore will update when i'm back from Andy lau concert
