Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Officially Burn Out! ( OBO )

Yes...i'm really burnt out this few days...lack of sleep had caused me to be drain out of everything in me....the only good news i had for the last month are

1)RT is finally fucking over!
2)Driving also over passed!

However new bad news are also out

1)IPPT havent book ( till next yr )
2)Reservist Feb (13 days)

The cycle never end ...despite how many task u end it... new irriating task will just keep poping out... i really really hope my bosses can get me out of the Reservist on feb.. i will be eternity gratitude to them if its possible..i dun wanna stay in 700SIR anymore....really no place for me the first place at all

On the lighter gf is back in singapore ..will be looking forward to going out for movie or food with her on wise..responsibility are pilling up but still feel ok ..but abit cheap labour at times at workplace..helping ppl do "sai kang" which wasnt IT releated but ..still do to keep the balance in my work relation @ work....

Weekend where are you i need you so bad now..please..come and dun go away~~

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